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Petey has a new friend...Meet Belle :)


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I posted a few weeks ago that we were adopting a female rescue Cairn. Her name is Belle and she is adjusting nicely considering she was in a cage for her first 3 years of life. She is still leary of many things because she has never experienced many common day objects(she had to even learn to go up and down steps). Petey just loves her and so does her mommy and daddy. Here is a pic of the 2 together. Belle is the little girl....Petey is the big one who kinda looks like a beach bum :P


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I'm so happy Belle is adjusting to her new home and has become part of your family....she sure is a cutie!!! Congrats!

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Ohhhhh, my!! Belle is adorable with Petey!

How lucky you are to have found her!! Looks like they already love each other!!


P.S. More pics, please!!

Cathy and Piper

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Belle is so precious, and they are so cute together. I don't know the circumstances as to why Belle was cage bound for three years, it makes my heart break for her, but now she can finally be a happy dog and has an owner who loves her very much. The part about her not knowing how to go up and down stairs just broke my heart. So glad she has you now. Just give her plenty of love and she will return it tenfold.

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Oh my goodness, what a sweetheart! My heart just broke reading about her being in a cage. For as much energy as these dogs have????

Can you refresh my memory as to how you came upon her?

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Belle is gorgeous. She and Peter the Great look like they were made for each other. I so glad she has a family that will love and nuture her as she shpuld have been all this time. Oh how lonely she must have been. What a shame that it was 3 years. Well, certainly now she is on her way and born again. Good luck.


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Guest Guest

How wonderful that Belle has a new home with a loving environment and can run and play and live life as it should be lived, not confined to prison cage! I'm sure that she and Petey will be the best of friends and my hat is off to you for rescuing this lovely lady had giving her a new lease on life.


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Welcome Belle, you sure live up to your "beautiful" name :wub: and it looks like Petey is happy to have a new friend.

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Oh my goodness, what a sweetheart!  My heart just broke reading about her being in a cage.  For as much energy as these dogs have????

Can you refresh my memory as to how you came upon her?


Belle is puppy mill rescue via Colonel Potter Cairn Rescue. My wife came uppon her on their web sight and started the adoption process.

From day one she was good with other dogs because that was all she knew....she is now learning that people are good and can be trusted.

I want to add that the foster parents for her did a great job in getting her on the road to a normal life. When they first got her she wouldnt even come out of her crate for 2 days.....now she hates to go into it at night. She has really come a long way in a short time (8 weeks).

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Belle and Petey.. What a beautiful site to see them together. Belle is a doll and her life and yours are going to be so much the better for having each other.

Barb, Ghillie, and Smokey

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