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Sunny's Dad

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What a handsome boy! Looks like his coat has grown back nicely!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Sunny looks like he has found his home. He's a very handsome boy. He looks a lot like my Smokey.

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Sunny looks like he's loving his new home! :wub: I agree with savannahasmom, his coat has grown back nicely! Thanks for sharing the photos!

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What an absolutely adorable little dog!!! I wish Mila would turn light like that. She is showning some signs, but I think she is a red brindle from what I can tell. Don't you just love these dogs to pieces?

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Thanks for the update on Sunny, he looks like he's doing great. I love the pic of him curled up on the pillows, my Liddy does the same thing. These Cairns are such pillow hogs.

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I want to thank you all for your replies. His hair is growing back in pretty well. It is a couple of inches long so far, and the vet says it should grow back in fine. The hair on his tail is taking forever to grow back though. He just has a clumb on the end of his taill, but everyone says it is very cute. Sara and I are in absolute love with him. I have never had a dog like him before. He likes to sit on the back of the couch and he LOVES to play. I have a 4 year old and 2 year old nephew and niece, and he is the best dog around them. He loves to just play and play with them. He also loves everyone and loves to play with other dogs. He is just perfect, and I am so glad we have.

On a side note, does anyone know of a good groomer in northern Mississippi,or around the Memphis area, since I only go to school about an hour from Memphis.

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He is a cutie...and I love the pic of him curled up. Whenever one of mine is in a ball like that it makes me want to cuddle down with them.

Thanks for the pics

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He is so pretty. He reminds me of my last cairn, Chloe. Her color was very simular to his.


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Sunny is such a cutie! Thanks for sharing his pics with us. We "use" to have that same bumble ball. Finch chewed off the "nubs" in one day!

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