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Cleaning rugs


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All of the recent discussions about cleaning and smells reminded me that I want to ask whether anyone has found a successful product for getting the smell of dog urine out of rugs. We have a couple orientals that Allie nailed when she was young and, of course, it's hard to see wet spots on these rugs so we didn't notice until later. We had the rugs professionally cleaned but, whenever it gets humid (usually in summer, but we're having a really wet spring in Minnesota this year), the rugs smell again. Is there anything at all we can do?

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I use Nature's Miracle to remove pet odors and Spot Shot to remove stains.

Plain white vinegar also works to remove odors but then the rug smells like a salad!

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We used white vinegar on the urine spots my puppies "gifted" us with when they wre puppies. It does have a strong smell, but once it dries, it goes away.

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