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:D Ohmigosh! Only one week to go and we fly from Calif to Kansas to get our darling 12 week old Connor and Elsa from the breeders. Of course, they will fly home in the cabin with us in Sherpa carriers.

Although I had a Westie for 14 years I've never owned Cairns or flew younguns on a long trip. Any suggestions for the trip? What if they cry or are upset in the aircraft cabin? How do we minimize stress?

We are soo ready for our kids. Love the forums!

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Welcome! You will have such fun with the new kids. Keep a couple of treats for the trip and maybe something familiar from the breeder's if possible. A rubber kong filled with treats will keep them occupied for a while at least. If they are side by side they will have the smell of each other for reassurance. Best of Luck. We want to see pics when you have them.

Barb, Ghillie and Smokey

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Welcome and congratulations!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! I know the wait is hard, but they will be so worth it!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the new babies and hear all of your stories!!!!


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You can get ice cubes on the plane in case the puppies are thirsty. When we travel the dog likes to have my husband's shoeless foot on the sherpa bag.

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Can I ask what airline you are using. In September I will be going from Altanta to California. I am getting a female and my friend is getting one from another litter. We want to travel on the same airplane but have heard that might be a problem. Let us know how your trip goes.

Well I should say I am probably going the puppies have not been born yet, I will get pick on the female provided there is one. My friend has already been born so she knows, I will have to wait a couple more weeks.

I really want to know all about your trip and can't wait to see the pictures of your pair. I can't image two puppies you are a very brave person.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Welcome to our group and congratulations on our new additions. We LOVE pictures so we can't wait to see the newest little ones.

For some reason I thought the dogs always had to fly in the cargo hold. If they are in a certain type of carrier they can have "seats" in the cabin or be held in your laps?

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Congratulations! You will be so thrilled with them, I'm sure!

My guess is that in approximately three or four weeks you will be posting with any and all advice on on housetraining!!! :P

Take along one piece of worn clothing from each member of your family and put those in the crate with them. It helps them familiarize themselves with your smell, especially the smell of those who can't accompany you on the trip. :thumbsup:

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Thanks everybody! I tried to upload a picture, but it was too big. Will get the hubby to downsize it! As for the several questions about flying with pets in the cabin, here is a very informative link: http://www.travelinpets.com/airlines.html#air

Different airlines have different rules. You want to plan way ahead. Many of them permit travel of your pet in an approved carrier which must fit underneath the seat in front of you. No getting thedog out during the flight, it stays on the floor.

Be sure and confirm all of your arrangements verbally with an agent and get confirmation numbers for each pet reservation.

Sherpa brand is one approved carrier; Petsmart is one of the cheaper sources for Sherpa bags. We are flying American Airlines because of the domestic carriers, they seemed to allow the largest pet carry-on. You must make separate reservations for your pet(s) because each airline has a restriction on the total number of animals in the cabin--so if somebody else is flying a couple dogs, you can't fly that flight. Most airlines permit only one animal per carry on bag for each ticketed passenger. AA does allow two puppies of the same breed to go in one bag but husband and I thought that was a recipe for disaster because after all the traveler must get the pups out of the bags at the x-ray machine. So the two of us are going and he is getting HIS boy and I am getting MY girl (riiight, they are BOTH gonna be mine!) ;)

We will post again and tell you how the trip went, after Memorial Weekend! Thanks again!

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Congrats on your upcoming adoption!! I can't wait to see pictures, although I think you might be too busy to post....2 puppies will be a handful! :D

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Welcome and congradulations on your new family members. I don't have any advice on air travel, but I wish you good luck! Post pictures when you get a chance :)

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Guest mrskti

Two puppies are a handful i agree, but you wont be sorry....they are so much fun. My girls are 3-1/2 mos. and we are so glad we got two of them. They have so much fun together and are hours of entertainment for us!!! And i think they do better at night with the two of them in one crate.

Congrats on your new babies.....

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I am so excited for you.....two little Cairn puppies :wub:

I don't have any travel tips for you but I can tell you this is a wonderful forum full of compassionate Cairn lovers who will be there if you need help, advice, a good laugh or a shoulder to lean on when you have a bad day....of course having Cairns pretty much guarentees only good days.

Yes, please post pics as soon as you regain normalcy.

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Congratulations on the new additions to your family! Only thing better than a Cairn is two Cairns! Can't wait to see pictures of the little darlings and hear about your adventure to take them home. Best of luck and have a safe trip!

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Congratualtions! How much fun!

When I take Grilly on the plane I always do the check in and

then wait outside until the last minute for security. This gives

him the last chance to pee. I put him under the seat, but I keep

the Sherpa open, so he can peek his head out. He also needs me

to put my hand in the bag. So, I spend the entire flight bent over

and stretching. He does settle down....but he needs my hand in the

bag. The airlines I have flown are pretty strict about keeping him in

the bag, but no one has ever told me to "close" the bag. It might be tough

to keep the top open with pups. Be prepared for lots of attention. I always

get tons of questions..."Are dogs allowed on planes?" "What is in the bag?"


Have a ball....can't wait to see the pics.


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Congratulations on the new additions to your family! Only thing better than a Cairn is two Cairns! Can't wait to see pictures of the little darlings and hear about your adventure to take them home. Best of luck and have a safe trip!


Correction Cairns2, the only thing better than two is three! :D

Seriously, congrats on your new additions. I had my oldest flown to me. I had a clean crate waiting for her in my van, knowing the crate she was in would be soiled and smell. Being you're flying w/ them, will you be able to take them out and hold them? I'm excited for you and also want to see pictures.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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how did you keep the sherpa open and not have your pup jump out? mine would have been struggling to get out if he saw an opening. when i have flown with him in the past i keep him in the bag, sealed up, but with my fingers next to the mesh opening.

btw - we travel with a bag smaller than a sherpa and he seems to like the smaller space. is there danger if he can get air, etc., in the smaller bag?

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I give Grilly a "stay" command and he actually listens :confused:

I guess he knows he needs to stay put? I wish that would work more

often :D

I don't know about the smaller bag. Grilly has the large Sherpa, and

I think he has just enough room. I couldn't imagine him in something


take care


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