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Rule #1!

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

We were going downstairs to watch a movie so i put the girls in their crate....where'd they'd be safe, wont pee, and cant get into trouble.....wrong!!! :devil: I forgot to move the peepad that I keep infront of the crate .....did they do a trick on that! Evidence all over Dori's face! Of course the camera was my first thought.... :P


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Surely you do not expect us to believe these two little angels made that mess?

Did you notice they got quiet for awhile? That's the telltale sign they are getting into trouble! Glad you thought about the camera - terrific shot!

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Guest mrskti

yes normally quiet is bad, but when we watch movies we cant hear anything else.... speaking of quiet, it's a little too quiet in here right now!!!

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:D Oh, how funny! And how adorable!!!! Almost makes me want to go get a black Cairn to add to the crew!

Charlie used a pee-pad one time and one time only. Any I put out after looked exactly like yours within minutes. I use them now to collect hair I strip.

The last time my two got quiet they had escaped their loose confinement and completely demolished a plant, which was JUST beginning to look healthy and pretty. :mad:

Ah well. They lick me. The plant does not. :thumbsup:

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Look at those faces!!!! Surely you MUST be mistaken and some wild animal snuck into your home and made it look like your little ones did it.

TOO funny!!!

I just told somebody today that Scully doesn't chew - what the heck was I thinking? She must have gotten mad at me a few minutes ago because I wouldn't let her out in the yard while I was on here checking messages. She scratched and scratched at the rug by the back door until the end came up and it's all frayed now.

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Guest mrskti
:D Oh, how funny!  And how adorable!!!!  Almost makes me want to go get a black Cairn to add to the crew!

Charlie used a pee-pad one time and one time only.  Any I put out after looked exactly like yours  within minutes.  I use them now to collect hair I strip. 

The last time my two got quiet they had escaped their loose confinement and completely demolished a plant, which was JUST beginning to look healthy and pretty.  :mad:

Ah well.  They lick me.  The plant does not.  :thumbsup:


yes they sure do lick us!!! They are the sweetest dogs, i dont know how we lived without them!!! I tried to use the pad in their crate...once! That was when we first got them and were in the car, heck that thing didn't last a minute! I have them at the doorway of the crate for in the mornings when i let them out, ellie sometimes has a pre-tinkle!! but I had set this one on top of the crate for some reason, or my cleaning girl might have to vacuum...in any rate, you see what happened. I was just afraid of what would happen when they drank water!!! :shock:

And I like this color combo too, i'd never be able to tell them apart if they were the same.

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I leave Booker gated in the kitchen with a pee pad when I leave for work in the mornings. I've been coming home for lunch.

That shot looks similar to the one I came home to at lunch today, pee pad ripped to shreds and thrown everywhere.........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Oh, how precious!! Now, I course, I didn't have to clean up the mess.....but look at those adorable faces!!!!

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LOL :lol:

I swear God made Cairns to be so cute because HE knew what they'd be capable of getting into. You just can't get mad at those faces.l

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That is a wonderful shot, They are telling you Mommie made me do it she left the pee pad with us!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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The look on their faces is like, "It was an accident. We didn't mean to do it!!". What a great pic! Keep 'em coming!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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What a cute picture. Caught in the act. There both adorable. My Missy for 17 years was all black and I saw the photo and the tears came running. Looks just like my Missy when she was a baby. Lucky you there both so sweet.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Guest mrskti

yeah she probably is!!! If you could see them now, they're in their play yard, they've dumped the water over and yes....they're faces are covered with mud....it will be bath time.

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What a cute set of girls! The lighter colored one looks like she could be Savannah's sister! They look a lot alike in coloring and in the face!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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How can you stand so much cuteness in one house? :wub: I love Ellie's "I'm all ears!" look and Dori looks like she could star as Toto if they ever remake the Wizard of Oz.

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Guest mrskti

Yeah you'd think with all those ears they'd listen better!!!! NOT! And yes, i have the urge to watch Wizard of Oz all of a sudden!!!

THey are sweethearts, it's hard to just not love on them all the time. Of course I just had to yell at them for tearing the bottom of the sofa up!!! Grrrrrrr!

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Oh my heart melts! what a picture. I'm prone to the black brindle cairns, my Missy was a toto girl. My favorite movie as a child was and still is Wizard of oz.

I always said that when I grow up I'm getting a toto dog, 2 weeks before we got married I got my first Cairn, Missy. Kramer is now 7 months he is a light brindle. I love the photos! how precious it makes me want to get a black brindle girl.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Guest mrskti

It's funny, I chose Ellie, she was the color i wanted etc, and my husband picked Dori....I tell ya, Dori steels the heart of everyone that she meets. She has the cutest personality ever. She's a comic, a kisser and sits on your lap immediately when you sit on the ground. We just love her, we love them both. Ellie has her points too, she's a little more laid back.....sometimes!

Although the little farts woke me up to go out at 5:30am!!! ;)

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Dori looks so much like Scout did when she was a puppy....aw.....I can smell the puppy breath from here!

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