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Hey folks! I am new here and have been enjoying your discussions.

Question, have any of you taken your Cairns on vacation with you, other than camping? We are going to Maine in a few weeks and found a hotel that will let us take the two terrors with us. Any experiences you folks would like to share?

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Welcome! I can't help you b/c we've only taken Carolina with us to visit relatives and have never stayed at a motel. She is a nightmare on long trips so this summer when we go to our family reunion in Iowa, we're leaving her with my in-laws. She loves to go camping and on our water ski boat.

I hope someone has some answers for you. I know there are "dog friendly" motels out there. Have you done an internet search?

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Thanks! We already have a hotel that allows dogs. I was wondering how it worked out for others. I can see us getting evicted in the middle of the night due to barking! There are several websites that will help you find a pet-friendly hotel and many of them are really nice hotels. AAA also notes if pets are allowed in their tour books. That's how we found our hotel. BTW, Carolina is adorable! Greg, best of luck with the new addition to your family! Post pictures when you can.

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We stay in hotels from time to time. Be sure to have the dog crated if you leave the room. We are extremely mindful of noise from the dogs and do whatever it takes to ensure they are quiet - including moving one or more to the car if need be.

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Thanks, Brad. The dogs will be with us at all times, which is why we selected this trip for them. There's lots of walking and sight-seeing. Our 13 yr old will not tolerate crating. He came from a shelter. Our next vacation they are going to a kennel because we are going to the Montgomery show in PA. I would never leave them in a hotel or strange place alone. We're very responsible pet owners.

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We have taken Grilly to many different hotels.

We always bring a crate, and tons of extra toys and treats.

He sometimes can get "freaked" about the different noises....

elevators, housekeeping, etc....so I always leave the TV or radio on.

I am sure yours will do great. By the way, what part of Maine

are you going to? We lived in Maine, and loved it there.

Take care.


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Thanks for the advise, Ellie. Good idea about keeping TV on to drown out any noises. They aren't barkers but they are protective of us. We are going to Kennebunkport and will take a day trip to Portland. I must see the lighthouse!

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Oh how fun! I love Kennebunkport! Are you planning on seeing the

"Portland Headlight" ? It is so beautiful. It is actually in Cape Elizabeth.

We built a house there and the beam from the lighthouse would come into

my master bath. oh, I miss that house. There are really good food places

near there.... I would be happy to suggest if you need recommendations.

Let me know.


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Yes it is the light on Cape Elizabeth. How lovely to have the light shine on your home! I also want to re-visit Nubble Light in York (Cape Neddick). That is such a beautiful spot. We are in RI and used to live on the water. Now we are in the country. I miss hearing the fog horns at night.

If you know of any restaurants in the Portland area with great "take-out" please do let me know. Our hotel in Kennebunkport recommended several places in that area that cater to boaters and the like. Since we will have the dogs with us we have to include them in our dinners! We are planning picnic lunches since we'll be out walking during the day.

Thank you so much for writing!

Best Regards,


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We were thinking of bringing Alfie with us to Block Island but I am worried about the ferry ride where he will be in the crate and there will be lots of people. He is very barky and it hurts the ears. I am having major second thoughts.

Cynthia, are you familiar with the restaurants in Block Island? What would you recommend for breakfast and for lobsters? Thanks!!!! :P


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Hi Anna,

Block Isl. is gorgeous! It's the Bermuda of the North! If you are taking the ferry from Pt. Judith it's less than an hour's ride. There is so much wind, and the ride can be bumpy, no one will hear the dogs! I think it's a good experience for them too - more socialization. We have seen many dogs on the BI ferry and on the ferries to Long Isl.

Be sure to see the North Light, the Southeast Light and Great Salt Pond. Are you taking your car? It's the only way to see the whole island. You can also rent a car once on the island.

Restaurants - we stay at the Harborside Hotel on Water St. and their restaurant is fabulous! Down the street is The National Hotel and their restaurant is also good.

For real casual tri Eli's on Chapel St. or The Water St. Cafe. If you want a formal, romantic dinner - The Hotel Manisses is a lovely Victorian Inn, and the Atlantic Inn is also very nice. Avoid Ballards - noisy and lots of teenagers.

Have a wonderful time! Let us know how you liked the island!


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Great! Thanks, Cynthia! We're taking the ferry from New London, the one that just started service last September. It will be a day trip because we can't stay the entire long weekend. We will rent a car (although my children, both teenagers, might want to bike around instead). We'll play it by ear, but thank you very much for the recommendations! I tried getting reservations at the Hotel Manisses but they have a minimum requirement of 3 days for the Labor day weekend and we just wanted an overnighter (and if we're bringing Alfie, the hotel doesn't allow pets). I'm excited!


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You are very welcome, Anna. Glad I could help. The Harborside also has an outdoor seating area so if you take Alfie he can sit with you. A day trip is plenty of time to see the island, relax and have a lobster. I am excited for you!

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Two places come to mind. The Lobster Shack is a cute little place to

eat. They have outdoor seating, so the dogs can eat with you. It is off

of route 77 near Two Lights. If you just want sandwiches..Dicicco's (sp)

is off of 77 near the South Portland/Cape Elizabeth line. Both places are

great! Oh, the Lobster Shack is right on the water, quite a spectacular

view. Enjoy!!


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Thank you, Ellie! I'm getting hungry already! We'll think of you when we get to Cape Elizabeth.

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Guest Guest

This is making me hungry, too! My absolute favorite is lobster, and then the soft shell fried clams that I first tasted while in Boston. Which brings me to this -- I'm pretty sure Alfie will beg for the food we are eating when it's as fragrant as fried clams, so how do you handle that?

My husband is 90% sure he doesn't want to bring Alfie with us to Block Island :( but I am still trying to convince him. If not, no big deal, I can always plan long walks in dog parks.

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To take Alfie or not depends on your plans for the day. If you'll just be walking around poking in shops, etc. then it would be a nice time for him. Most stores will allow a small dog in if you carry them and it's a non-food related shop. There are Greenway trails on BI for walking and cycling - nice bonding time with a dog. As for begging, that's a discipline issue and I am guilty of giving in! I usually ignore any requests at the table and if they come up on our legs they are told "off". If I am consistent, it works. However, vacations are a time to break the rules and we take our two out for chowder and clamcakes at least once each summer, followed by some ice cream!

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Chowders! Clam cakes! Yum! Alfie is good with not begging, although he gives us that Poor Me look and it will be like a contest of who gives in first. I'll work at convincing my husband but yes, we also have to plan out what we're doing. Thanks for all your tips!

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