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cost and effect


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The vet "gave" me some revolution for $26.72, lasts 2 mos. I browsed at Walmart yesterday and that store has an offbrand for $7.?? plus tax for 2 mos., can't remember the cents. There's also a cheaper brand.

The offbrand starts at the back of the neck and goes down to the tail. I'm wondering if it is as effective. $13.00/month verses $4.00/month would be more affordable for me.

Opinions on this, please................jan


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If I were in the same situation, I would keep getting the medicine that I was getting from the vet before. Peace of mind is a beautiful thing, and I would be worried about the knock off drugs.

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I talked to 2 people who have tried it and they all have said that it doesn't work. Both of their dogs had fleas within the first month.

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