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What Is Your Favorite Cairn Moment?


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What does your Cairn do that just absolutely goes straight to your heart and makes you happy?

My favorite is when I come home from work and Scully is just beside herself with joy when she sees me. Now that we have the yard fenced, my mom will put her outside when she knows I'm about to come home and when I pull up she just runs back and forth across the gate in sheer happiness.

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Guest mrskti

Jumping for joy to see you is definately a good thing. I love it when they FINALLY calm down and lay down by me, i love that. And when i go out to the yard to toss things for them, and all they want to do is sit on my lap...that's cool too.

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When my mom gets home from work, my pup is so excited. He jumps up and his tail wags like mad. Funny thing, when he is done saying hello to her, he seems to have so much energy that he then does his psycho puppy thing and runs around the house in circles for a few minutes before lying down to rest. Is that normal?? :confused:

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Scout loves to flirt. She will come up to you, put her head on your shoulder, leg, arm..whatever is available and then take her big brown eyes and look up at you. She won't take her eyes off of you, or lift her head up...I call it her flirting mode and it just melts my heart every time. It doesn't matter what I am doing at the time, when I look in her eyes i have to stop and give her a hug!

Finch loves to just lay on my chest. After a long day of playing in the yard and chasing squirrels, she will climb on my lap, put her head on my chest and heave a big sigh....gets me every time! :)

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Am I the only one with an independent cairn? He greets us with a lot of energy when we get home, but most of the time likes his own space. When he wants to play he will bring us a ball, and of course always welcomes belly rubs, but he never just comes and jumps in our laps. :( :( :(

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So many things....I like when he brings his toys to play and just teases me with them instead....I really like it when Cooper and Yoda do the crazy racing around the house. What I like most is when I am talking to Cooper and he sits and tilts his head back and forth just like he knows exactly what I am saying....melts my heart! Couple days ago, they had both been outside, and I filled their dishes before bringing them in. Yoda can hear food thru six foot cement walls and he came racing in and right for his dish....I swear he lives for food! Anyway, Cooper races in and goes in the living room where he stands and watches to see if I am following. I tell him, you'd better get out here and eat before the little pig finishes his and eats yours and he perks up on all fours and tears out into the kitchen as fast as he could...it was soooooo funny!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I love the cuddle time ... when I sit on the sofa in the den and Elliott jumps up on my lap. Then Madison gets jealous and will jump up on the back of the sofa and licks the top of my head.

I also love to watch them dig the bedding in their crates (or someone elses crate :whistle: ) They get the most serious look on their faces while their little paws go a mile a minute. I just love to watch that.

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I guess Bosco is one of the few dogs that won't automatically jump in our laps all the time. He does it occasionally but is lone wolfish much of the time, as long as he can see/hear us and we give him belly rubs. I would love for him tojump in my lap all the time. :(

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Mila is definitely not a "lap dog". She would rather just be close than sitting on your lap and getting pets. She will lay at our feet, but pick her up and she is off! When she is REALLY tired she will let you hold her and believe me I take advantage of those few and far between moments.

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I love when Liddy lays her head on my foot or arm and uses it as a pillow. Its the cutest thing, she lets out a little sigh and just drops her head on me. I've seen her do this to my brother (who "doesn't like dogs") and even he gives her an "Awww...Lids" and a ear scratch.

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Guest LynneO


My Rudy sounds like Bosco He does the excited to see you thing and then does laps around the house at warp speed. He also needs his space and is not a lap dog. He always wants to be with us in the same room. He will lay near us or next to us but not on us. He also sleeps in our bed and likes to be right next to my dh or I, sometimes right next to us with head on pillow. This is what I love the most, when he snuggles in bed with us.

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In the morning, the first thing Apollo does is stretch. Then he does his face rub on the carpet. When he finishes this he will go on his side and I will give him a belly rub. Apollo is smiling :) and makes himself the longest he can be.

Also, it doesn't matter if it is an empty soda bottle or a juice/milk container from the fridge; Apollo will turn circles while attempting to stalk? his prey. Does anyone else have a Cairn that does this? He sure can get him self worked up.



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I started this post hrs ago and got called away. I now have time to finish this post. Having three cairns, each one of them does something that goes straight to my heart.

Kiara :wub: - It would have to be the way she lures you into her game. I can be busy going from room to room doing housework and before I know it, I'm playing fetch w/ her. :confused: Also at night, shel'll be tucked in her bed and won't take her eyes off of me until I kiss her goodnight (on the forehead).

Abbey :wub: - All Abbey has to do is wag her tail at me and I smile. She is our lady, very pretty and dainty. If something falls to the floor, she's the first to grab it up and prance around w/ it until I ruin her fun. :huh: When she jumps up at me scratching on my legs, it's impossible not to pick her up for a hug.

Hannah :wub: - Just holding this little cutie and patting her belly melts my heart. While Kiara & Abbey prefer to sleep in their beds (or squeeze into one), Hannah starts off in her crate. :whistle: By 5 a.m., I hear her paws bang the crate door and I pull her up in bed w/ us. She curls up into a little ball as soon as she hits the sheet , before I'm even back in bed and remains there until I get up. If I wake up before her, she's usually on her back by then and I just stare at her beauty.

While Kiara prefers to sit next to someone on the couch, Abbey and Hannah want to be on a lap. Hannah would love nothing more that to be carried around all day. The cutest thing all three do is stand on their hind legs when I open the refridgerator for baby carrots.

I found this poem on the internet, author unknown. I edited to fit my three:


Three fuzzy Cairn Terriers fill my life-

With laughter, love and fun.

When those little eyes meet mine

My heart is quickly won.

A lively dog of Scottish stock,

With such endearing ways-

Lovingly devoted,

The sunshine of my days.

Sprawled up in my lap at night,

Or sharing play outside-

I can't imagine life without

My Cairns close by my side.

(can you tell, I hooked? ;) )

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Savannah gets so excited when she sees us! She will put her ears back flat on her head (which stand up perfectly most other times) and runs towards us at full speed. When she gets right at your feet, she will plop down and roll over for a belly rub with her legs squirming all over the place (ears still back)! It is so cute! She looks like a turtle stuck on it's back when she does this! Also sometimes when she is really sleepy, she will climb on my chest and just look at me until she falls asleep. This is when I realy feel like a Mommy! :P

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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I've really enjoyed hearing everyone's stories - I can just picture each of the dogs! Thanks so much for sharing them.

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These stories are great! Like Milopup my cairn is very independent. I do love it when he brings his little ball to me and puts it in my lap to say let's play. I also enjoy wild doggie when he and his little pug brother play chase. I love to watch when they stop and get low in the front and go side to sided with the tail wagging as if to say catch me if you can. Makes me smile :D


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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There are so many loveable moments with Alfie!

The best is when I say, "Go out? Go out?"

He will go crazy, jump up and down, side to side....when I try to put on his leash he will turn around for a belly rub...then I have to tell him to sit so I can put the leash on...then he'll go back to his jumping with the tail wagging like crazy. But once I open the door, he'll QUIETLY wait for me to step out (the first time he did it I went, huh?! he learned this?). I have to give him a go signal so he can run out. This whole routine is definitely the best..... :wub::wub:

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This is such a great topic, I wish I could give everyone's dogs a big hug. :wub:

I forgot to add that one of my all-time favorite Liddy moments was when I would come home from college and she would be SOOO happy to see me. The best time was when I came home after being abroad for four months. Liddy was still a puppy and I was afraid she would forget me, but as soon as I walked through the door she was barking and jumping and licking and she rolled over for a long belly rub. While I was abroad my friends and I always talked about how much we missed our dogs. Everyone missed family & friends, but as one guy put it, "I can email my family and friends, but I can't email my dog."

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Carolina makes me smile when she's playing with various small things, like one of those rubber finger tips or a "cookie" that she's not wild about eating. It's hard to describe but she sort of jumps at and nudges the thing with her nose like she's trying to get it to move. She'll kind of jump at it and flip it around, acting like it's prickly or something. Sometimes she'll even pick it up in her mouth, roll over on her back and use her paws to play with it in her mouth.

I also love when she decides she needs a snuggle towards morning and will nose her way under the covers and snuggle right against my stomach while I'm on my side.


That was a good question!

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What great stories! Cairns have such a joy of life, they are always making us smile. My favorite time is when my two run laps chasing each other through the house. Yes, Milopup, this is normal behavior - at least for a terrier! Then they face each other, butts in the air, and bark at each other. Then the chase begins again!

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I just picked Scully up from the groomer's and when I walked in she just looked at me and laughed. I instantly said, "Whatever she did, I'm REALLY sorry". She said it wasn't anything bad, she said that Scully is such a lover. Apparently anybody and everybody that she came in contact with Scully decided that was her best friend because she was showering them with kisses.

The groomer said at one point when she was washing Scully she was talking to one of her co-workers and Scully decided to kiss her on the mouth while she was talking. Oh my! :halo:

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Ghillie is the independent one but sometimes he just gets up and snuggles along my back while I'm laying down or throws himself down in front of me for a bellyrub.

Smokey dances on his back feet when he sees me and then when I get down with him he does a belly crawl over and lunges to kiss my face. Unfortunately he likes to french kiss. Yuck!

They are both such sweetie pies it doesn't take much for me to have those "Awww" moments with them.

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