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Strange question (seriously strange question) but does anyone here kiss their pups/let their pups kiss/lick them? This is totally innocent guys, just thinking of when they lick your face/mouth area. :shy: This was an issue I thought of when people were discussing feeding raw chicken - how do you avoid getting the raw chicken germs?

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~~Putting bag over head~~ - I try to avoid her licking my lips but I do let her kiss my face. She likes to give her "lovin'" and I hate to discourage it.

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I agree with Scully's Mom, I try to keep Liddy's kisses away from my lips...usually she goes for a cheek or my nose.

Where I work there is a big shepard/retriever mix and she loves giving kisses. Once I had bent down to tie my shoe and she planted a big, sloppy one all over the side of my face...yuck! I was grossed out until I turned and saw her giving me a doggy grin and wagging her tail...how could I have been mad then? Hahaha, she was just showing me some love!

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I'm all for the cheek area or chin but I'm never sure if Elliott's been eating something gross or not. :shock:

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All 3 of mine give me kisses on my cheek. All I have to say is "kiss kiss". Every so often, Kiara will nail me right on the mouth. :sick: The best time for kisses are in the morning before any of them have had a chance to pollute their mouth.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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**blushing** Bosco nails me in the mouth sometimes as well, especially if I just ate something and haven't had a chance to brush my teeth.

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Scully will wash your whole face if you let her! You have to watch your ears if you're lying down because for some reason she loves licking the inside of ears. Oh I'm SOOOOOOO proud of her!

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Forgot to add that if we just put on face cream or hand lotion, Bosco just loves to give us kisses. Once I brought him to visit my favorite makeup counter lady and he licked her hand - well she just put on some new hand cream on her hands/arms and he proceeded to lick then throw up. :sick: He seemed okay, and threw up what little cream that he had ingested, but boy was was hard juggling him and his bag while wiping up his mess and giving him some water to help him feel better.

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Oh my gosh, Finch was born kissing!! Her breeder warned me that she loves to kiss. She said they would hold Finch in their arms and Finch would give everyone a bath until you put her down. Well, she hasn't changed and she LOVES giving kisses! We try to aim for the cheek, chin, or neck, but she will sometimes land a wet one on your lips! Sometimes she manages to give a french kiss....yuck! She's quick and you have to steer her tongue away from your lips!

Scout knows the word "kissy" and will give me a kiss on demand...which is usually the cheeks.

I don't mind the kisses if I don't think about what they get into....like the little baby bird (dead) Scout was carrying around the yard this morning....lol! :shock:

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Forgot to add that Finch loves lotion too! I always put some on when I am in bed and Finch always tries to lick it off of me...I have to hide under the blankets so she won't lick it off!

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I don't like being licked at all...for some reason, it gives me the heebie-jeebies! They sneak and get me every onces and again anyway, but not anywhere above my shoulders - they know better. My husband on the other hand, lets them lick him (except on the mouth) and boy, do they go to town. It's a good thing he has two feet, because when his shoes and socks come off, they are all over them, one on each foot! So funny to watch, but it just makes be cringe because my feet are so ticklish! And believe it or not, they do not to never, ever lick mom's feet!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Bubba, that is so funny cuz Apollo is a foot licker - mine! He also will lick my forearms and hands. At night when we go to bed, he will crawl up on my chest to get scratches and will occassional try to get me on the lips. A few times he has succeeded. I try not to think about it too much especially since he will yawn big time right in my face. Oh the smell of dog breath!



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I think cairns must have "kissing" in their genes. Allie loves to give kisses, and Steve kneels down each night when he comes in from work so that Allie can "kiss" him. She loves to lick his nose in particular and, when he's not paying attention, that little tongue sometimes goes right up a nostril. :shock: We call this "nose frenching..."

Allie also loves her dog buddy's mom and, when we're sitting at the kitchen counter (where Allie is usually in my lap, I think so she can survey the food possibilities), Allie will start to wiggle and smile at Bette until Bette lets her jump over and give her a good licking.

I don't like to be licked, but that doesn't stop Allie from licking my feet when I'm not looking or trying to lick all the lotion off my hands and feet.

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Both my babies give kisses. My little pug gives them to anyone any chance he gets. Rebel is more particular on who he kisses and he likes the cheeks best and he is very slow and gentle and Hamm is a wild man. I did learn pugs kiss and lick allot because of the need for salt so I forgive him his gusto, he loves feet!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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I don't mind when Savannah kisses me (not on the mouth) except for right after she eats. Yuck at the dog food breath! My DH on the other hand would rather her keep her licker to herself.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Duffy is not one for giving kisses to me or Jim BUT he will lavish anyone that comes over to visit with kisses. Can't figure that one out. Occasionally he will give us a little lick on the cheek, but that is the extent of it. Mickey on the other hand, loves to give us kisses and he goes right for the mouth. Of course we try to turn our heads fast enough to avoid getting it on the lips.


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Smokey's second name should be licky boy. He especially likes toes and a swipe across the face if possible. I don't really like having my face licked but I don't mind the arm or leg or my toes. He licks my husband's neck and face and has no problem with giving the cats a kiss or two.

Thank the lord Ghillie is not much of a licker. The odd time he will lick my fingers but that is about it. The reason I am so glad about this is that he is a poop eater and the whole idea creeps me out. He is still my sweetie pie though.

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