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Camping trip


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We went camping this past weekend. The north Georgia Mtns. are so beautiful. Rebel and Hamm had a great time. They love the kids coming around and petting them.


Rebel liked the picnic table to rest during the day1536498mtnpicnicdog.jpg

if you notice Rebel gets the top bunk


of course since I have you looking here was the view right down from our campsite



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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That looks like lots of fun! I bet my doggies would love to go camping. I HATE camping, so it looks like they will have to do this in their dreams! :thumbsup:

Rebel and Hamm are such beautiful dogs and you always take the best pictures! I love the picture of Rebel on the picnic table! Our neighbors, down the street, have a picnic table in their backyards and their (large) dogs are always on top of the table.

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Looks like a good time! What did you do before you had two dogs? Is everyone here a proponent of dogs having little buddies to spend time with?

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I love having two dogs, though they are, of course, twice the work. They ADORE each other and I can't imagine how bored Charlie would be without Chelsea. :D If Chelsea weren't so timid and they were both not rescued from a puppy farm, I would consider breeding them and having pups. Sigh. Can't imagine, though, living in a house with a dog in heat and another desperate to get to her. We'd have to suffer through three or four of those until she was old enough to be a mommy! I don't think so, even if they were both Show Quality! :P

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We adopted Finch FOR Scout. It was the best thing we ever did. They play together constantly and are great companions. They have never fought, even when they are given bones and treats.

Yes, having two is more work, but in a way it's much easier!

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Guest mrskti

Those are great shots of your babies... We're scheduled next month for our first outting camping with the girls. Although we do "advanced" camping...in a motor home!!! LOL My days of real camping are over. I got sick and didnt' think i'd ever get everything unzipped in time to get out of the tent!!! LOL It wasn't pretty!!!!

What campground were you at? Do they take motor homes there? It looks like an awesome place.


edit: BTW, that first pic should be framed, it's really cute.

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Wow, what great pictures! Your dogs always look so happy, they are very photogenic and look like best buddies. Camping with them must be so fun!

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Great pictures! I use to do alot of camping when I was younger and loved it. Now I'll stick to a log cabin, which we'll be going to (w/ the cairns) later this year. Your two always look so happy.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Those are gorgeous pics. I would love to take my crew camping but I honestly don't think they'd behave. Your dogs look so relaxed and right at home in the camper. Isn't it great that we can give our pets such wonderful lives with so much love?

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