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How Big Do these dogs get?

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

I thought I'd start this from another thread cause i"m curious too

Savannah's mom asked:

I know this is off topic (Sorry!) but if any of you have pups around Savannah's age, about how much does the average female weigh at 4 months old? She is already 8 pounds and I have heard that they won't stop growing until they are 12 months old. She still has 8 months to go and I am scard that she is going to be HUGE! She is not overweight so I am wondering, does their growing slow down at a certain age?

Ellie is only 3 months old and she's already 10 pounds!!! Dori is a little over 6. Ellie seems to be real solid, she's not fat at all. She eats like a horse. I'm a little curious how big she's going to get, hope she slows down a bit. Dori is fairly petite, and i dont mind her staying that way.

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Scout is 3 years old and she is about 15/16 pounds. Finch is shorter than Scout and her legs are not as long. She is about 12/13 pounds and is 13 months old.

Here is a pic I took just a few days ago. (she REALLY needs a hair cut!)


I wouldn't worry about your dog getting too big. I think they grow very fast, at the beginning, and slow down towards the end. I think Cairns are not fully developed until 18 months? They will spend the last part filling out. As long as your puppy is not overweight, I would not worry about it.

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Duffy is almost 2 and he weighs in at 18 pounds. He is very solid and muscular. Mickey, our Westie is 6 months old and already weighs 9 pounds. He is going to big like his father who at 4 years of age weighs 20 pounds.


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Logan is 16 months and weighs in at 20 pounds. He is a solid boy and has weighed 20 pounds for the last few months. I imagine if I were a good Cairn mommy and actually thinned his hair a bit he'd be a good 10 pounds :lol:

He just had his appt. last Saturday and the doc says he's in great shape. I know whe we got him at 12-13 weeks he was a little over 5 pounds but seemed to grow before our eyes every day. Still eats like a champ if we don't watch him. We just got him a little sister last week. Sadie is a miniture schnauzer, 11 weeks and only four pounds. She will be delicate (only in structure).

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Kramer is 6 1/2 months old, was neutered on Tuesday and weighted in at 14.5

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Tiki Bob weighed in at 9 lbs a couple weeks ago (at 15 weeks).

He was 5 lbs 4 weeks earlier :/

They grow quick!

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Petey weighs about 18 pounds at 8 months of age. He's very sturdy and not delicate at all. Our vet guesses he will be 20 - 22 lbs when full grown. We are told our new girl weighs 13 lbs, and she is 3 years old.

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Ghillie has weighed 24 lbs. since he was 3 years and he's 9 now. Smokey is about 18 lbs. at 10 years.

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Cooper just turned two and has been at 16 pounds for the past year or so.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I can't find Kiara's weight chart. She'll be 4 next month and weighs 19 lbs. Abbey weighed 7 lbs at 4mths, and now at 18 mths she weighs 13 lbs. Hannah weighed 5 3/4 lbs at 4 mths, and now at 1 yr she weighs 11 1/2 lbs.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Bosco is 19 months and weighs between 13 and 14 pounds. I have always worried that he is too small, since I hear about the male pups on this board who are younger and bigger. :(

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Mila is 7 months old today and weighs about 10 lbs. Her mom was smaller than her dad, so I'm thinking she takes more after her mother. Do you think 10 lbs is too small for a 7 month old puppy?

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When we got Toto he was physically half his brothers size (he was about 10 - 11 weeks old). At six months he was only 10 lbs. So I guess he is on the small side, the vet said though that he is healthy. What he doesn't have in size he makes up for in spunk! - Darsey

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I don't think 10 lbs is too small. Abbey was 11 lbs at 7 mths and Hannah was 9 lbs. Just like children vary in weight, so do cairns. One child may be a small toddler and have a growth spurt and end up on the high end of the percentile for his/her age. I think the same can happen in cairns. I don't think weight is as important as the fact that your pup is healthy, eating well, growing, gaining weight and not losing weight.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Petey weighs about 18 pounds at 8 months of age.  He's very sturdy and not delicate at all.  Our vet guesses he will be 20 - 22 lbs when full grown.  We are told our new girl weighs 13 lbs, and she is 3 years old.


Tell your vet that an eight-month old Cairn is fully grown! His bones are fully mature, the growth points are set, and he will not increase in length or height. The only real growing left to do is building a bit more firm muscular structure and maturing mentally. The latter I'm not sure happens before the age of six in Cairns!

If Petey is about 18 pounds at 8 months old he really should not be gaining any more weight as he matures. Certainly no more than a 1/2 pound, if that. The best test is to move your hands over his sides with light pressure. You should just be able to make out the outline if his ribs, if you cannot - he's overweight.


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Rebel is on the large side, 21 lbs. He still has waist and is very active. Our vet says he is fine. If you can look at the parents of the dog you can probably figure out about where they will end up. Rebel's Mom was 14-15lbs and his sire was 20 lbs. He got the size gene from his sire I am sure.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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