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A trip to the nursing home....

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

I took Ellie and Dori to the nursing home where my dad lives, boy were they a hit. They have three resident dogs there, and there sure was a lot of butt sniffin going on!!!! ;) The girls had a ton of fun and the ladies just loved them. You could see their faces light up, it was really nice. Of course my dad was his cranky ol' self, but what the heck. I think we'll try and go down there every so often, it's good for the residents and good for the puppies to get socialized, with people and other dogs. Has anyone else ever done this?

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Awwwww! What a great service you did, mrskti, I think bringing dogs into nursing homes is excellent. I've never taken Liddy to one, but a friend of mine has a chocolate lab/husky mix who is a certified therapy dog and she goes into nursing homes. My sister worked with special education children over the summer and they had a therapy dog come and play witht he kids once a week. I think its good for everyone involved and with as cute as Dori & Ellie are its no wonder they were a hit.

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I work in a home with 3 mentally disabled women, and I have taken both Scout and Finch to work with me (not at the same time!) and the ladies love having them! One of the ladies is not really a "dog" person, but by the time it's ready to leave, she is saying "give hug, give hug" to Finch!

Lately I have just taken Finch into work because Scout has decided that she likes to "mark" her spot as soon as she is in a new place.....sigh!

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Guest mrskti

I thought it was neat to see their faces light up and show some emotion. Not to mention the whole ordeal wore the girls out and they slept for an hour and a half when we got home!!!! LOL

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What a terrific idea!!! I'd love to do that with Scully but she'd be jumping on everybody and I'd have lawsuits up the wazoo. :P For right now, she takes care of my 82 year old mom during the day and keeps her on her toes. I truly think if she didn't have Scully to take care of during the day she might not be as lively as she is.

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Guest sandy's mom

My mom lives in a nursing home, and we often take our dogs when we visit. She doesn't really care (alzheimer's) but the other patients - and especially the staff - really seem to enjoy it. It's a treat for all of us!

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Guest mrskti

well Ellie and Dori did some jumpin around for a while, they were so excited. The nurses played with them for a while before we took them to the residents. Dori was bouncing around like a kangaroo!!!

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Guest sandy's mom

I think the staff enjoys the diversion as well as - or more than - the patients! And I'm tickled to provide a little diversion for the staff - they are really special people who fill those positions.

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Guest mrskti

They certainly are, I dont know what we would have done w/o them. I dont know how long Dawn sat on the floor with me and the girls!!!

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