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Petey's getting a new sister !


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We are adopting a 3 year old female Cairn. She will be called Bell. She looks alot like Petey, but she has smaller feet and muzzle. We will go pick her up next week in Fla.

Pics will soon follow. One is great so two has to be better :P


Oh, two is alot of fun!!! Sometimes I feel like I'm hearding cattle when I call them inside the house...I can imagine what three is like! Two is a great number. They will become best buds, like my two have. We adopted Finch because Scout was lonely and wanted us to play with her constantly. Well, these two play all day long! They even take naps together and will sometimes lay on top of each other....so cute!

Two costs twice as much , but hey.....anything for our Cairns, right?? :lol:


Ooops..forgot to add Congrats on the new pup and show us her picture as soon as you are all settled in as a family.

Guest mrskti

Bell and Petey, I love it!!! I can't imagine having only one cairn...they are so fun together. They could pee less, but what the hey....never boring!!! We will be waiting for pictures....sitting with our noses pressed against the crt!!!!

Welcome Bell.....


Congratulations on getting another cairn. They are addicting, aren't they? I never imagined having a 3rd until I was offered one and couldn't refuse. Now, I can't imagine my life w/o my 3 cairn girls. Yes, it's work, but it's worth it to me. I have a pretty good schedule w/ mine. They're all napping (for the moment) after a 2 hr run outdoors.

Can't wait to see a picture of Bell.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


Ahhhh....you get your first Cairn and you're extremely happy with him/her but then down the road you think about adding a playmate for him/her. You don't want them to be lonely.

That decision will eventually make for two Cairns...a happy, full family but unfortunately the human mind works in mysterious ways...you wonder, you dream..."What it would be like to have another, a third?"

Then it happens....you lose your mind and get the third :shock:

I'm warning you....it happens, it's addicting but it's just so fullfilling and so fun (most of the time)


So Kayharley, I guess I'm in the "lost my mind" group. :lol: I'm sure some would think so, especially my sister who dislikes pets in the house. Dh and I have decided that this is our life and we are very happy w/ it. Yes, there are times we look at eachother and wonder how we do it. Don't forget, we also have a lab who loves getting my cairn girls all worked up. I was just in the kitchen because Abbey chewed up, yet another toy. I was on my hands and knees picking up the stuffing and little Hannah kept running up under me wagging her tail. Abbey's ears were glued to her head waiting for a scolding which she didn't get. I just took the remainder of stuffing out and gave her the empty shell to the toy and she was content. I don't think you can stay mad at a cairn.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)


I adopted my Cairn Pepper when he was four. He is now six, and a great little guy, He and my Westie sometimes seem to take turns at trying to be alpha, but they basically get along fine. :) So glad I have him, and hope you enjoy your new little girl.



Honey, it's Belle (with an 'e'), as in Beauty and the Beast. Now, I wonder who the "beast" is? I suppose I could have gone upstairs to correct him, but conversing with your better half through the Cairn board works, too.


Congratulations on Belle!!!! I love her name!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the two of them together - please post as soon as you can!!!! We've only had Abby 4 months but our daughters are already wanting another one!!! Maybe one of these days....



you all HAVE to stop adding to your cairn families!!! (just kidding) My husband is killing me dropping hints about getting another one!!...lol.....I will definately agree to it, just NOT right now (I know you will see this hubby).......we have such busy lives.

Which brings me to a question........I will post it as a new topic.

Congrats, and enjoy your new family member! Can't wait to see pictures.


What terrific news!!!! You all are going to make those of us with "just" one Cairn look like slugs - :( Petey is going to be so happy.

I was curious as to where most of you have adopted your Cairns from - local shelters, etc.?


I would love to have another one, too, so Alfie has someone to play with! Congratulations!



We are going to be a forever home for a Colonel Potter rescue. It's been a loooong, drawn out process. We initially applied, I believe, back in September and were approved in November, but we weren't able to find the right dog for us until now. They are meticulous in their matchmaking to get the perfect dog for your situation. We've had a couple of heartbreaks, but it looks like this one is going to work out! Yay! If you choose to go the rescue adoption route, be prepared for it to move slowly and there will probably be some ups and downs, but worth it in the end for you and the pup.


I would LOVE to get another one so that Savannah would have someone to play with but I don't think I could talk my huband into another one right now. With Savannah still being a puppy and going through her "puppy stages" (potty training, nipping, potty training, chewing, potty training, barking, potty training, teething, did I mention potty training??) I don't think that I have a chance. Maybe once she is fully potty trained and calms down a little (hey, a girl can hope), he will agree to another one.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page


Congrats on your soon to be family member. I think that I'll stick with one for now, him and my three year old get into enough trouble by themselves... :devil: Looking forward to seeing pics! - Darsey


Welcome to Belle. We are looking forward to seeing her. I have often looked through the Colonel Potter site and wondered about adopting through them. Good luck.

Barb, Smokie, and Ghillie


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