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Dark Colored Nails


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I don't want to have to take Savannah somewhere everytime that she needs her nails trimmed but her nails are a DARK black and I can't see where the quick is in them. Does anyone have any tips on how to determine how short you should cut dark colored nails??

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I have to wrestle Logan to the ground and look at the nail sideways to see where the quick is. Poor baby, I missed one nail last time but he was so good about it. It is hard though when the nails are that dark!

I would appreciate any veterans tips as well.

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Call me chicken...but as a pup, one time I clipped one of Apollo's nails too short. It was a struggle just to get him to let me do it in the first place. I started going to the vets every two weeks then three weeks and now we only have to visit once a month. It's just much easier on both of us and Apollo gets to go for a ride.



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I cringe and my legs get weak (seriously) at the thought of cutting Tink's nails because I'm afraid I'll hit the quick :confused:. The weird thing is I always have cut the nails on my other dogs, but now I can't bring myself to do it. At the vet's office they said her quick is "shallow" or something and now I'm freaked about it. They charge $6 to cut them, which seems like a lot for two minutes of work, but so far I've paid it and haven't even bought nail clippers. I think if I had good advice I could overcome the skittishness though. Help would be appreciated.



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I use a dremel tool and if I rememer to do it often enough just tap the end of the nail. By going slowly you can see the quick before you get to it (from the ground end of the nail). Some folks use a file (a four-in-hand file - ask at the hardware store - was recommended) but I never could make it work. I think it's better to do just the tiniest bit possible, more frequently. The quick is suppose to retract as you get close to it, if you clip nails frequently. Trying to 'catch up' all at once never works.

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Thankfully, my DH cuts the girls nails...I think I would faint!! He has never had a problem and they both sit rather quietly while he does it....except....about 2 weeks ago he cut their nails before he went to bed. He woke up (I was at work) in the middle of the night and found the bed sheets soaked with blood! It soaked right through the sheet into the mattress pad. Scout seemed fine, and didn't appear in pain, but he put her in the crate for the rest of the night (they sleep with us) and had to wash the sheets. I'm glad I was at work...I would have fainted!

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Once you get to know your Cairns nails and their growth pattern and get in a routine, it's a piece of cake.

I do all three of mine every week...just take the tips off and if I see a bit more growth on a nail then I may clip a little more but only a tiny bit.

All of mine have dark nails and when Elliott was a pup it was a major ordeal to do his nails....he'd fight me tooth and nail (hey, is that where this saying came from :lol: ) but eventually he gave in.

Take your time, do a little bit every week, relax and eventually it will be as easy as brushing them. :whistle:

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My Abby moved when I was cutting her nail and the amount of blood was frightening, it was all over my T-shirt. She would not hold still for me to put blood stop on the nail (flour works too), which made it worse.

I've now given up on nail clipping, it is too much of a struggle, takes too long, and my husband refuses to help. I've been through this with other dogs and succeeded in the end, but I'm in a "make life easy for me" mode.

I've tried the Dremel and it's worked for me in the past on other dogs. However, Abby will not keep her nose away from the drum! I think I will try again, but use the grooming table and hook her up so she cannot reach her feet. :)


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I have always used the advice my vet gave me and (knock on wood) as of yet I have not cut the quick. Anyhow the vet told me to use the curve of a nail as a guide. Basically cut below where the nail starts to curve (judging from the tip back). They also recommended that you can use the foot pad as a guide (which I kind of go by) basically here the nail is even with the pad. But using that method alone I am afraid that I will cut them to short. Hope that helps! - Darsey

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Thanks everyone! Great advise! Bradl, I like the dremmel idea but Savannah is so curious about things I am not sure that I could use that without her scraping the end of her nose! I thnk that I am going to try your advise this weekend Darsey. Keep your fingers crossed for me. If I cut a nail to close, I may pass out! I can't stand to see my baby bleed like that. When we were at the vet for her first visit, the vet cut her nails for me. She moved when he cut one of them and he cut it too short. Like you, Cairnmania, I was amazed at the amount of blood. My husband had to take her because I started feeling dizzy. The vet made me sit down and drink some water (he jokingly told me he charged extra for treating "human" patients :) ). I still feel myself blushing everytime we go to see him! :blush:

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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