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Liddy's birthday


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Yesterday was Liddy's 3rd birthday :party: We had such nice weather in PA that Liddy and I spent the afternoon playing Frisbee. We also went over to my mom's class to visit the 5th graders (she gets LOTS of attention there). I had given her an I-Cube which she really likes, but I was outshined when my dad came home with a huge doggie gift basket he'd won at a golf tournament. Liddy was one happy dog!

Here she is resting after Frisbee:


She was so happy she did this:


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Duffy and Mickey, also known as "The Skipper and Little Buddy" send Liddy their best barks and woofs for a Happy Birthday! :party:


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What adorable photos! Happy Birthday Liddy, many many more to follow

Did you get Birthday cake yet? :cake:

Have a happy happy day :party:

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Happy 3rd Birthday Liddy! :cake::cake::cake: And Apollo joins you in rolling in the grass. Apollo has been doing a lot of rolling lately. Isn't it good to know we have such happy Cairns?



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Happy Birthday Miss Liddy !!! It looks like turning 3 was very special in your house, you had a very special day.

Miss Scully, who will be 2 next month says, lots of licks and kisses to you today!

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Beautiful pics and Liddy is gorgeous. We all wish her a happy birthday.

So tell me, just how do you get your grass so green without any evidence of having a Cairn? :)

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Happy Birthday Liddy!!! Hope you had a good one!

Here's a belly rub from Scout and Finch's Mommy (#####). :D

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Thank you for the birthday greetings, Liddy has been wearing her goofy dog smile all day.

About the green grass, Liddy just happened to be sitting in one of the few green spots. By the end of summer the grass gets so dry it looks like we have a yard of straw.

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Kiara :party: , Abbey :party:, and Hannah :party: say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Liddy. We need to start a birthday column each month to list our cairn baby's birthdays. My oldest, Kiara will be 4 next month. Your Liddy is very pretty. Is she considered a cream brindle?

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Liddy's coat is tough to describe. The breeder called her "brindle," but I guess cream brindle is accurate as well. She has a dark brindle back and in the picture of her under the chair you can see her "stripes," the darker lines that she has in her coat along her rump.

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Liddy's coloring is almost exactly like Scully's. To be honest, I'm not even sure WHAT her coloring is according to her papers (which means I'd have to go dig them up). She is, I'd say, wheaton but has developed a dark streak lately down her back. Her mom and her brothers were extremely dark and her dad was very light.

(Please note the "lovely" rabies tag that is totally obliterated by her chewing on it)


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