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The Run-Away


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:mad: Grrrr....I really have to vent this out...last night, we were unaware that my son left the basement door open while my husband was still in the garage and of course Alfie discovered this pathway to 2 hours of fun and adventure! :devil: His collar has his license and tag that makes noise so we can clearly hear where he has run off. Except that it was already 8:30 and dark...he was visiting every backyard in the neighborhood...we could also hear the neighbors' dogs barking...my husband drove around the block very slowly while I was already planning what to do the next day (putting up missing signs, etc). Twice he passed by our lawn but he was too fast to catch, then he would disappear again in the dark (he had that look of pure glee on his face :twisted: )...then by the 2nd hour I remembered that he hates skateboarders so I told my husband to take out the skateboard and roll it around the driveway. It worked like magic...in a few minutes, here he was looking for the skateboard...my husband ran after him (still holding on to the skateboard). The little rascal ran up a steep hill. My husband, bless him, was determined, but he tripped and rolled down the hill (he got minor injuries but it looked quite funny). Alfie suddenly stopped when he saw my husband fall to the ground and approached him. He surrendered himself! :halo: My husband was cursing under his breath, carrying both skateboard and dog. It was about 10:30 by then but before Alfie went to sleep he was sooooo happy, he couldn't wipe that smile off his face... :P while my poor husband got achy... :(
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I sure hope your hubby is better today. Glad it all ended on a happy note except your husband aching. These cairns are fast! Missy when she was very young once caught a baby bunny, she didin't harm it just after a while she finally dropped it out of her mouth. The bunny stood still, I think in shock, but then ran off. Kramer so far he doesn't seem like a runner but I take no chances, he has his harness on whenever we go outside.

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Looking back it's actually comical but we were so anxious last night looking for Alfie. Good thing there were hardly any cars driving by. My husband deserves an award for what he did last night. He feels better today after a couple of Advils. I simply ran around like a chicken without its head....

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Wow, that sounds funny and scary at the same time! I'm glad Alfie is home and safe and your DH is on the mend! Cairns are quick, aren't they?? We have had a few scares ourselves with Scout. She would wander away when a door was left open. One time, we gave up looking for her. We drove around and around the neighbor hood and walked the side streets, but couldn't find Scout. When we arrived home (we took two cars looking for her), it turned out that my DD took Scout WITH her when she went to her friends house and "forgot" to tell us! We were glad she was safe, but not too happy with DD!

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I'm so glad this run-away story has a happy ending. I'm also glad that Alphie is home and your dh is feeling better. These cairns are quick! I notice you mentioning how you always heard Alphie's collar while he had his pleasure run. I think it was all fun to him. If he really wanted to run, he easily could have. We had this experience when we took our 3 to N.C. for Christmas. We were way up the mountain in a log cabin when my dh forgot to check where the cairns were before opeining the door, and out ran Kiara. Like Alphie, if Kiara had wanted to really wanted to run away, she had her chance. I think she thought it was this great hike w/ mom and dad out w/ her. Forget the fact that we were frantic and trying every way we could think to get her to come. She never got out of sight, just would look back to make sure we were enjoying it as much as her. :mad: My dh also hurt himself climbing the steep mountain and Kiara too finally surrendered to him because she ran up on someones deck and was afraid to climb back down the steps. I honestly don't think cairns see it as running away, but just having a great adventure. :twisted:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Shoe, I'd be mad at my daughter if she took the dog out without telling us! :nono: We also wanted to take two cars and drive around, but gut feeling told us Alfie was just within the vicinity.

You're absolutely right, toomanypaws, this was his chance at freedom, but no...it was just another playtime for him. Also, it was a reminder for my husband that he's out of shape! :thumbsup:

Yesterday I wanted to take Alfie to the dog park so he could run again but there were too many bigger dogs plus humans playing softball (isn't it a DOG park? they were taking too much space :thumbsdown: )

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