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my vacation....


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Well, I just returned this past Friday from being at my lake place the past three weeks. The dogs spent about three days a week w/me and the rest w/my husband at home (I was on vacation afterall!!)

Anyway, while at the lake, I put Cooper and Yoda out on the deck one morning (fully enclosed and gated) and laid back down. About an hour later I went out there to find sitting on the bench a case of water w/no lids!!! Cooper had sat there and taken the lids off of every single one! He was the prime suspect because when I walked out he was sitting there w/the last one in his mouth. They both love to play w/empty bottles and I guess that is what he was looking for! I could not believe it! Had my camera not been in the car, I'd have taken a picture of the crime, but he hopped down and that was the end of that!

They went home w/my husband this past Tuesday. He called me Thursday night to let me know they had murdered a possum in the backyard. Cooper was highly excited (I'm sure he again was the prime suspect). When he was finally able to get it from Cooper, he had to put the poor thing out of it's misery....Cooper was quite cranky about the whole ordeal he said...seems he did not like his catch being taken from him.

I have to tell you, three weeks with no internet is a killer....between this site and another I frequent, it will be weeks to catch up!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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I am so glad to hear that someone else's dog likes to play with empty bottles. Mine loves empty bottles! I think she plays with those more than her toys sometimes (go figure!)

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Welcome back! I wish you had been able to take a picture too.....I would have loved to see that!!

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You know, I was so dumbfounded...I just couldn't believe it! But it was sure good for a giggle!


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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That is funny. I read this post yesterday and had it in mind when I saw Alfie trying to chew out the foil covering of two wine bottles that we had on our mini-wine rack. Something about bottles.....I'll try to give him an empty one, it will be a new toy!


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Im more impressed with the possum takedown. Those fellers can be quite nasty when attacked. You should get Copper into some earthdog training...sounds like he has the the spirit for it.

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