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talked to my mom


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I've not owned a dog in 3 years. After Keesha died, I said no more.....she was 16. But I broke down a couple of weeks ago by getting Booker.

My mom lives in Ala. Anyway, I talked to her yesterday and happened to mention that I'm a new mommy. She asked me what kind of puppy I had. I told her, "a cairn terrier."

Imagine my surprise when my mom goes on to tell me that her family had owned 3 cairn terriers BEFORE I was ever born. Mom and I have never discussed this. It kinda freaked me out because of all the breeds in the world, I picked a cairn terrier..........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Must be genetic. That's what we always tell our daughter even though she's adopted. You just naturally want a cairn. Who doesn't? Who could resist?

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I grew up with Cairn Terriers and I really missed them when I lived in apartments and couldn't have one. I think they work themselves in our blood..I hope my kids will own Cairns one day!

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