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Finch is just obsessed with objects! It started with the balls. She would run and push a ball around for hours. Now, it's the frisbee! Not only is she obsessed with it, she carries it around with her everywhere she goes! Our neighbors have a terrier (and a fenced in yard) and they invite Finch and Scout to play all the time. This morning, when Finch was invited, she had to go grap her frisbee first, before coming over! This is what she looks like all the time. The frisbee has a "lip" on the edge and she lets it "hang" from her front teeth....I kid you not....this is how she looks all the time. It's quite funny when she barks because it's muffled...which is nice!


Please ignore the stuff next to her...we are working on our deck!

Here she is when she is tired. She uses it to rest her head.


Scout loves to fetch the frisbee too, but ends up leaving it on the ground and letting Finch have it...she's such a good sister!

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That is so funny....mine get obsessed but with different things.

Elliott is obsessed with my duster (it looks like a huge furry tail) He goes beserk, totally out of control. It would be cute if he just wanted to carry it around but he wants to destroy it.

My other two like those stuffed squirrel/bees and Winnie will carry one around and lick it forever.

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Bosco gets temporarily obsessed with objects - when he really likes a toy, he will want to carry it everywhere, even when he goes outside to do his business. This obsession usually only lasts a couple of days and then he moves on to his new favorite toy - how fickle, just like a typical boy. :D

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Bosco is doing what Finch does. The Firsbee goes outside with her when she goes to the potty, and she carries it back in the house when she comes inside. When she is outside she has it hanging from her mouth and never lets it drop to the ground. Scout? She could care less about the Frisbee or any other toy. She loves to play with them, but she doesn't carry them around with her. :P

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Kiara is my one who gets obsessed w/ a toy. She has certain outdoor toys but only wants the same one all the time, which is a green squeaky dumbbell type toy. When she's inside, she loves getting new toys to play with. When outside, it doesn't matter what I buy her, she always wants that green dumbbell and will actually bark for it if she can't find it.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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When Ghillie was a puppy he had a stuffed chicken that went in his crate when he went to bed. That chicken was his pride and joy. Now he really likes his blue ball. Other balls just will not do.

Smokey is obsessed with squeakies.

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I just love that picture. What a wonderful dog. You must be so proud so have such a good lookin sweetie like that. These Cairn's are just wonderful little dogs with so much personality you just can't help but love their every move!!!

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I wish Alfie would be obsessed with some toy! Rather, he is obsessed with going outside to jump around the grass and catch bugs and run and run...indoors he looks sad. I throw him his toys and he would just give it a push with his nose then he loses interest right away. Lately we've had rainy days.....

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Rebel does the same with his frisbee. We now have three of them he has to drop one to catch the next one. This is the first dog we have every had that loves to catch things in his mouth.

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Well maybe that will drive some of the bugs inside for Alfie to play with :)


EEK! :(

Maybe one of those mobile toys for kids will interest him...is there a bug-sized version?

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