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I've got a swimmer!


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Does anyone take their Cairn swimming? I really didnt think Yoda liked swimming, we had taken him on our boat once and he was terrified when I put him in the water with me. He seemed to hate his life vest even more. Yesterday, my husband and I took all 3 of our boys out to some property we own to let our Lab swim in our lake. I will let my Lab off leash, but I know Yoda cant be trusted. I was really surprised when Yoda got into the water to paddle around. I was too afraid to let go of the leash (luckily it was a long one) in case he got out on the other side and took off. My question is this, I felt bad he didnt get to swim as much as Wyatt, and we do have about 10 acres total, what do you think I should do so he can have fun swimming too?

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Yes, our Alfie loves to swim! We have an easement from the lake (looks like a creek) in our backyard. After Alfie does his digging, I let him go to the creek just to walk and take the mud off his feet. Just two days ago, while doing this I just looked away and whaddya know he was already chin deep and swimming away! :twisted: He also had on the long retractable leash so I pulled him back but clearly did not want to stop the swimming. I have to take pictures of him doing all of this -- the energetic digging, then the swimming. His day is made when he does this....just a little stinker because we avoid shampooing him all the time.

I think even if Yoda is on a leash he'll do fine...I can't trust Alfie without it. He'll really swim away. Occasionally ducks come by and swim in our area and he'll just lunge at them.


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I've been taking a different route with Reagan. I live in North Dakota close to the Missouri river and I let Reagan free with other (friendly) dogs on the sand bars. It's an island, so he can't go far and he's been very good about staying nearby. (loves to swim so far though!)

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It's funny. Neither of the boys especially like the water. I love to swim and if I am out in the water my dh has them on the lead and they will start to swim out, go about three feet and then like trained performers, turn in unison and head for shore where they promptly roll in the sand trying to dry off.

If it is an extremely hot day I take them out just past wading depth for so they get wet and cool down. We have central air at home but where we go to camp can get pretty hot.

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Guest mrskti

I can't wait to see how Dori and Ellie are with the pool. I'm going to get it opened soon, although it will be too cold, i can't wait to see how the react to it. I'm sure i'll get them a little raft or something, plus the lifevest.

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We went to our farm this weekend and it has a pond, however, the water is still very cold, however Mila just can't stay out of any pooled water running down the the stream that leads into the pond. Instead of walking on the dry ground, her little legs are right in the water and then occasionally sticks her head in the water - what a site. I just can't wait until it gets warmer and see her swim.

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