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Here is Sophie!


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Guest Darcy's Mom

What a doll!! How old is she? She looks like she's thinking "o.k. what now? Can we play?


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She is 7 months old. I have to call the vet she went to to get all of her records and figure out where we go from here. She does have to be spayed. I am calling on Monday after we are totally settled! She is awesome! I had her in the bathroom with her bed and we did not hear a peep!! Although she does like to chase our cat :P But they already are starting to sort of ignore each other!! I do think she is a little over weight. I think the wonderful woman who had her kept her food dish full all the time.... She loves my daughter and the other dogs in the house right now! Her potty training is going well.... But I caught her peeing in the dining room... So outside we went. Luckily she does not have a large bladder so not much was there :thumbsup:


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Sophie is adorable! I love the color of her coat. Enjoy having her and keep taking those pictures!

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She looks like she could be Petey's sister(he is 7mo now too...the sig pic is at 4mo). Congrads on the new addition. :D

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I'm so glad that you finally got her. She is really beautiful and such a great color. I know you will enjoy her as much as she will enjoy you.


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YAY! Sophie's here. She is adorable. Enjoy your new addition, I know she's going to give you tons of lovin'! :wub:

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Oh she is so cute. Her coloring is just like my Kramers. Kramer will be 7 months on the 20th this photo was when he was 5 months. I need to get current photos he is getting to be a big boy.


Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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