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Dog Personality Survey


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Found this in our local Dog Nose News:


We are in the beginning stages of developing a comprehensive dog personality questionnaire which will be appropriate for use in assessing any type of dogs, from pet dogs to working explosive detection dogs. We are striving to create a reliable, valid measure with which we can readily assess large numbers of dogs.

For this project, we will be looking for dog owners who would like to volunteer to answer questions about their dog's personalities. If you have had your dog for at least 1 year and would be interested in learning more about this study (and possibly participating), please follow this link or click on the dog to the left!

For more information about this study, please e-mail Amanda Jones (amanda@animalpersonality.org).

More info at the Animal Personality Institute.

Disclaimer: I know nothing about this other than reading the brief article and skimming the web site.

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Thanks so much for posting that Brad! I am a social work major, and recently found out one of my professors specializes in pet therapy. My husband is a juvenile detective for our sheriff's department and has read also about training dogs to sit on the stand next to and be a comfort for children testifying in abuse cases. I have really become interested in pursuing this area of study and this survey could be really helpful for future research I may need to do.

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