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I am a little worried....


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:huh: I do not have Sophie yet!! But I have been trying to call the woman who hs her and cannot get in touch with her! I work with her neighbor who is baffeled as well! I know she works weird hours but.... i have left messages with work and home numbers! We did leave it when I talked with her on Monday that I would call her Friday night and come over on Saturday... But! I have been trying to get over one night this week! I am just hoping all is okay!


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Hang in there! :) She's probably just busy....we were in that situation before we got Alfie. I was the first of many people who called her former owner and I couldn't wait till the weekend to see him...they were busy, I couldn't contact them, etc. etc.


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Thank you for the response! I talked to my friend again and we are both still baffeled! I am just hoping she has not changed her mind! I would hope she would have called me or my friend to inform me! I think I am just paranoid! But I am sooo excited! I know I want a Cairn Terrier!!


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If you still can't make contact and know where this lady lives, you may want to just drive by and see if she is around. You could always say that you were concerned for her as she had not returned your calls. That is what I would probably do, but then I suffer from being a rather bold individual. Let us know how things go.


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When I read your post(I know you have her now) it reminded me of when I answered the ad in our local paper for my cairn. He was a good price so I called after long desiring another dog. WEll , I told the woman that I have a Boston Terrier that is kind of alpha dog, and that I wasn't sure how she'd do with a pup, and she didn't answer my calls after that, lol. Well, the NEXT WEEK, there was a cairn pup in the paper again with another phone no. and fifty more dollars. I called and it was the same one. They had bought him and couldn't handle him so they had bought a cage and wanted to get that money back. So I bought him. Wouldn't that woman be upset if she knew I ended up with him. He can take care of himself , that is for sure. She must not have known much about cairns if she really believed another dog could do anything to them. (I didn't know much either at the time) He and Babe fight and play all day long. I can't decide who is alpha dog, they seem to be trying to figure it out all the time. heheh.

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