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aliens in our bedroom

Toto times 2

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Smokey thought aliens had landed in our bed and quickly tried to rescue us.

Around 5 this morning our clock radio fell off the shelf onto my husband's leg. Smokey took instant offense. I thought he had just been startled but he was focussed totally on the clock barking his head off.

Even when I put the clock back he was staring at my husbands leg as if it might suddenly become some kind of creature. I had to actually pull the covers off his legs at which point Smokey bounded on the bed, on to my husbands back and settled there like a guard dog.

Another peaceful night with the boys.

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Now THAT's precisely why Scully sleeps in her own bed - too funny though! Thanks for my morning laugh.

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Gidget has suddenly started barking as if someone just walked into the bedroom before. Scared the daylights out of me! :w00t:

My luck if someone actually did walk in she would be sound asleep and never make a sound.

I have to give it to them though....they are very smart. One afternoon I had laid down to take a nap and put her in the bed with me. As I was drifting to sleep she started barking at me. She started at my side, when that got no attention, she climbed onto my hip. Still no attention she moved up to my ribs and when I gave her no response that time she decided to get serious. She walked up my shoulder and barked right in my ear. How did she know that's what I hear her out of? :lol:

Good luck with those pesky alarm clocks!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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