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Happy Mothers Day

abe's dad

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Happy Mothers Day to all the Cairn Mama's

Just thought I would send a little mothers day card to all the cairn moms in the group.

This is abe when he was just a little fart, but I think it is still my favorite picture of him to date.

enjoy your day, and this card.

abes mom

don' forget to turn up your volume!

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Hey it's my very first Mother's Day card EVER - thank you Abe's Mom! Well, considering I don't have any "real" kids I guess I shouldn't be surprised. :P

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That was wonderful...thanks from a mom of 3 Cairns, 2 daughters, 1 son and 2 granddaughters (I'm not old, I'm not old, I'm not old :lol: )

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Awww, thanks! Happy Mothers Day to all the Cairn mommies and human mommies too! My DS will be home from college just in time for mothers day...yea! This is his first year, so it will be nice to have him home. My DD is out of the country (studing abroud) and won't be home til May 31. :(

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Guest Guest

Thank you so much Abe and Abe's Mom! I don't have any human kids either, but with a Cairn a Schnauzer a German Sheperd and a Cat I don't think I could handle any more.

Happy Mothers Day all you Forum Moms! :hug:

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Sorry, that was me...I forgot to sign in.

Gidget sends lots of :hug: to all of the Moms out there.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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This is my first Mother's Day too as I have no human children. Savannah is keeping plenty busy for now! Happy Mothers Day to all (don't feel left out Dad's, Your day will be here soon enough!) :D

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Awww, that was sweet! DH and I can't have kids and our adoption process has been a nightmare so I am just hoping to make it through that day! Thanks for a different kind of Mother's Day! Abe is adorable!

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I just showed that cute card to my husband. I could tell by the look on his face he just remembered to get my card from our boys, 1 Yellow Lab (Wyatt), 1 Cairn (Yoda), 1 Yorkie-Poo (Loki), and a step-cat named Buddy. I'm not really a cat person, but when I moved in my husband told me the cat was here first.

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