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My three dogs

Toto times 2

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There have been lots of posts about cairns getting along and cairns and cats getting along. This is my experience (see photo below) It may help that Loki (white cat) thinks he is a dog. He even sits in a semi circle with the cairns to get his little dog treat. Identity crisis? I just don't know.

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For some reason I couldn't attach the photo. I'll make it smaller and try again.


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LOVE the picture! The cat has this look like "I'm closer to mommy than YOU are, nyah, nyah!"

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You are exactly right about Loki's (cat) attitude. If I have one of the boys he promptly gets up and inserts himself between the dog and me. He will just sit right on top of Smokey as in the picture but Ghillie won't go for that.

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Great pic!!

Love the cat's butt resting on the dog!!


P.S. Would love to see more pics of the 3 of them!!!

Cathy and Piper

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That is an adorable picture! I wish my cat got along with my dogs. They just "live" together...that's it!

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