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:) Hi! I am new to this forum! I do not have a Cairn yet... But this weekend I am probably taing one!! I work with someone who's neighbor "rescued" a 6 month old Cairn. Originally a family bought her for their Autistic child ... well the child dropped her and broke her leg.... Needless to say they decided it was not a good idea to keep her. So this woman took her in. I have talked with her and Sophie sounds like the perfect Cairn for my family!! And she can handle children who love to play and handle her!! We have a three year old daughter. The woman keeping her now has dogs pot belly pig, donkeys, etc. Her leg is healed a little stiff after laying down and when playing to long and hard... but it just happened over the winter. So I am planning on going this weekend because of schedule conflicts i can't get there sooner!!! Urgh!!

I look foward to advice and wisdom!!


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As a new owner myself, I'd do a lot of research on this breed to make sure you can keep up with this particular dog. That is what I did.

Also, before becoming a new cairn terrier mommy, I read a lot of these threads.

I have a feeling I'll be posting a lot of questions on this forum..............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Heather, Jan too, welcome.

Sophie sounds like a wild woman and she will be the center of your home in no time. These are great little dogs. They are a handful but if you have a three yearold, you are well trained already :D

Enjoy every second with Sophie and post lots of pics.


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Welcome to the new Cairn mommys!

I know your life is going to be fun-filled every single second with your Cairns. You will wonder how you ever lived without one.

Can't wait to see lots of pics!

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Thank you for your welcomes!! I am sooo excited!! i may even get her sooner! The woman i work with lives next door to her.... We may try to sneak her into work... (I work in a primary school). We currently have 3 therapy dogs here. So we are going to "hide" her out in my friend's office. Then have my husband come over or I leave and take her home Wednesday!! We will see!!


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Welcome!! I am new here as well and love this site. I am a first time Cairn owner and as you can imagine, I have many questions. I have already received a lot of great advice from everyone here. I am sure that you will find this site as useful as I have.

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

Savannah's Dogster Page

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Welcome, welcome to all new cairn parents! This is a great place to learn a lot of things about raising cairns, or to vent when your cairn is being testy (like my Alfie right now is being so stubborn I swear all I say to him nowadays is NO! NO! ) :nono:


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Welcome to the forum!!! I can't wait to see your new baby and hear your stories!!It won't be too long until it seems like she's always been with you!! They are the best!!!


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we will just add our welcome to the group and congrats!


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Welcome to the Forum! My Duffy broke his left hind leg when he was 7 months old and had to have surgery as the break was at a joint. He is now 18 months old and you would never no that there had been a break. Please send pictures when you have your pup!


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Congrats on your new addition, and welcome to Cairn Talk! Post pictures when you have all settled in as a family.

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Welcome! Looking forward to seeing pics. I'm sure you will be able to find lots of helpful info here. Hope to hear more from you in the future! - Darsey

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