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Cairns never cease to amaze

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My husband retired on Friday and we had a little party for him at the neighbour's yesterday. After the party I brought home a bouquet of balloons so they have been in the house in the same place for over 24 hours.

Just a few minutes ago Smokey was beside me on the couch and started to bark and growl. He had just noticed the balloons and decided they were a threat to life and limb. He barked for 10 minutes until we held him up to the balloons and he could see they weren't killer balloons. Too funny. I don't think he has ever bothered before and he is 10 and we have had quite a few balloons in that time.

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That is funny! I can't imagine how Smokey went 10 yrs before barking at balloons. Mine go crazy over them, especially Abbey. I do notice that sometimes when you least expect it, they will go crazy barking at something. Kiara and Hannah aren't as jumpy over everything like Abbey. I figure by the time Abbey is Smokey's age, her "barker" will be worn out. :lol:

Congrats to your dh on his retirement. :party:

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I'm hoping Finch's bark "wears out" before long! She barks at everything! The other day she found a plastic bag in the neighbors yard. She barked at that silly bag until I walked over and threw it away! Bad, bad, bag!!! We are safe from the plastic bag now.

Does Smokey still bark at things like that?

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I really think these Cairns are a creature of habit. Apollo will bark on Monday nights only because the neighbor put out a garbage bag that is not suppose to be out until Tuesday morning. One time when Apollo was a wee pup, we had some fun in the snow and built a huge snowball. Unfortunately for me, it was in his line of sight when he would lie down by the front door. He growled and growled until I moved it. Silly little fellow he is...



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Guest mrskti

Dori is our barker. When they see something their not sure of, they stand at attention and start their 'puffing'!!! not quite a bark, but working up to it! I'm sure you all know what the puffing is!! LOL

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Guest Darcy's Mom

I believe I mentioned on an earlier post about Darcy barking at the neighbor across the street putting up a for sale sign in her yard. Well, Darcy couldn't figure out what it was or where it came from, just knew something was different from her regular view. She barked at that sign for an hour or so, and it just doesn't do any good to yell at her to hush. These cairns are single minded when it comes to anything different being in their sight. She finally accepted that the sign was no threat and since it didn't move, it posed no threat to her.

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Savannah barks at everything! She barks at the ice maker everytime it empties ice, the vaccum cleaner, the lawn mower, and the mixer. The other day, she was barking at the steam coming up from the boiling pot of water!

She barks at people like going to bite their head off but then when they come over to see her, she rolls over for them to rub her belly! She is really funny sometimes!

We give dogs time we can spare, space we can spare and love we can spare. And in return, dogs give us their all. It's the best deal man has ever made.

-M. Acklam

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Petey barks at the trash cans on garbage day, the neighbor's big wheel when he leaves it in the driveway, and everyday he barks at one specific mailbox on the drive to take my dd to school. He hates that mailbox!!

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When we take Alfie with us in the car, he would bark like crazy at any car behind us that was too close when the traffic is slow. If the cars are moving, he would stop barking, but if there is a tailgater, he would carry on until we're way ahead of it!

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Cairns are so funny. Is there anything they miss? I forgot to mention also that if me and my husband are outside cutting grass, etc. I can hear Darcy barking in that high pitched, hurts your ears to be anywhere close to her. And that is from outside. We leave her in the house if we're cutting grass or doing anything in the back yard that she might get hurt. She can't stand it because we're outside and she's inside. She also runs from the kitchen door to the den window barking the whole time, back and forth. She wears herself out doing this and when we finally come in, she's usually asleep on the couch.

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Oh geez, we HATE those plastic bags too!! And cars going up the driveway; and any kind of trash flying by; well, you get my drift. My next door neighbor put out this little ceramic dog by her lightpost. You would have thought some ferocious animal was out there threatening Scully's turf.

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If we are out for a walk, Ghillie particularly dislikes large rocks that might be people or animals, while Smokey can spot those threatening plastic bags right across a large park.

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