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Playing by herself


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I know I have mentioned Allie's love of her squeaky ball before -- the one that sounds like a rabbit dying when it squeaks? Last night she tried to bring it to bed so I took it away from her and tossed it in the hall, then closed the door.

Except - Steve got up to go to the bathroom, and she got up too. She found the ball. He wouldn't play with her (hey - it was 2:30 in the morning...) so she dropped the ball down the stairs. It squeaked the whole way down. Then she ran after it and brought it back up. Then she dropped it down the stairs again. Then ran after it.

You get the picture. If we wouldn't play fetch with her, she would play all by herself!

I got up to get the ball away from her and it became a game of keep-away. So Steve and I went into the kitchen and drank a cup of herbal tea to make us sleepy again before we went to bed at 3:30. By then, she was asleep on the bed.

Crazy dog!

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LOL! Nothing like a Cairn that can keep herself occupied (and out of trouble!). Look at the wear and tear on your arms that she's saving you. Now THAT's a good dog!

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Oh how funny - I wonder if that could happen in the middle of the day when everyone is up - or are you supposed to be the entertainer then? Unlike us, they can stay up all night and nap the day away.

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Oh yes! My sister in law thinks its funny to give our boys squeaky toys for Christmas. Wyatt will throw his down the stairs when no one else will play. The funniest thing is when Wyatt throws it down the stairs and Yoda chases it and brings it back

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That made me laugh just thinking about Allie dropping the toy down the stairs and going after it. I'm sure it wasn't funny to you, especially in the middle of the night. Kiara is our "fetch" girl and will follow us around bumping our legs until we take her toy and throw it.

Maybe hide her squeaky toy tonight. :P

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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That is such a funny story! Now, I know it wasn't at 2:30am, but it was funny to ME! LOL!

We have a squeaky ball that my DS "hides" from the dogs. It's a very annoying sound, which of course Cairns love, and you can't even hear the tv when they are playing with it. So......the toy spends most of it's time on TOP of the tv.

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Smokey has a ram that makes a horrid baa-ing sound. I bought it at the vet's when he was really sick and he spent the whole visit biting it to make it whine. Greg(our vet) went past and I could hear him saying "what's wrong in there?" That ram spends a lot of time on top of the tv too.

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