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Are you ready for a puppy?


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No, your puppy is not defective and no, what you are going through is not unusual. I enjoyed this article, Are you ready for a puppy?, in our local doggy newspaper - maybe you will too.

Puppies are awful. Their teeth, when not embedded in your person, are dismantling your property. Meanwhile, the other end dribbles unspeakable fluids in unforgivable locations. Nature equips puppies with overwhelming cuteness to keep us from killing them.

Of course, I'm a bit prejudiced - I notice they quoted my neighborhood vet (my family's vet for 30 years).

In 39 years of veterinary practice, Orchard has watched a lot of puppies grow up. Every client who brings him a new puppy gets a half-hour lecture. He covers housetraining, obedience, and the usual behavioral problems, but the heart of his talk is the puppy

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Brad, that was hysterical and just so true!

And I found a new name for another Cairn that I adore....Marley.

Maybe I'll get 3 more and name them Marley, Scrooge & Cratchet. :lol:

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I love it Brad, when we add our little cairn girl to my guys I will post that on my fridge!

I have a name for her, money in the saving, just waiting to find the perfect little girl. Her name will be Maisie, Scothish for pearl.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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An outstanding article, Brad, though I must confess this paragraph has me more than concerned:

"Your time commitment is especially intensive and important during the pup

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