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What is on your cairn's mind?


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I think I remember someone mentioning (sp?) how fun these cards were, so I thought that I would start a new topic and make a new one in honor of my power adapter for my laptop which Toto chewed up about a month and a half ago and quit working on me yesterday. Of course I was about to have a breakdown :crybaby: (school has been rough this quarter) and was extremely mad at Toto so I stayed away from him. Luckily I was able to have it repaired last night. So now I can laugh about it and give my little guy lots of love today. So here it is... What Toto is thinking!


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The power adapter reminded me of one time when my little guy was sitting next to me on the couch, with my laptop on my lap. I was just thinking about how quiet and calm my little guy was being (he was about 7 months old at this point) when suddenly I heard some crackling! He had chewed through the protective plastic on the power cord and the exposed wires were crackling and sparking! :shock: And he was just acting like nothing was going on - I checked him out and thank goodness he was okay. But boy was I miffed!

P.S. Wish I could read your card but alas it doesn't work with my browser. :(

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Totto and Darsey aren't the only ones with a taste for power adapters Abe has got to 2 of mine the first one I was able to repair but the second one was chewed off too close to the brick. Luckily they were unplugged at the time.

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Finch, also, chewed a power cord. It belonged to my DH's music amp.....an $80 replacement! Thankfully, she has not chewed on anything lately!

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I had trouble getting Maddy to talk this morning...I must try again later.

But I know she is jealous is of her brother because he's a pain sometimes.

Elliott just has play on his mind, what can he do to cause mischief and Winnie just thinks about sunning herself on the deck while I hand feed her delicious morsels.

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:D:D:D @ Toto! I see he has his priorities in order!

Scully hasn't developed a "taste" for adapters. However this morning, I think I literally scared the poop out of her. She hates the vacuum and I was in the back portion of the family room working my way up towards where she was. She had been up on the sofa hiding, then under a desk, etc. I get to the main portion of the family room and here she had decided to take a poop and was "hiding" the evidence by chowing down. I'm SO proud! :(

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that was a good one !

As to the vaccum remark.....Abe hates it too, so if there is no one around when I am cleaning, he demands to be picked up and held with one arm while I use the cleaner with the other one! Now that is quite a work out for mom!

Abe's mom (using dads computer again)

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I had this great idea for a mother's day present and Rebel let me know what he thought

I was going to take a picture of the Granddogs sniffing a rose and have it put on a shirt with a caption of You smell so sweet or something like that well Hammurabi went along


Rebel smelled the rose and sneezed then starting tearing it apart peddle by peddle he didn't need to say what he was thinking about my idea



Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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She would love it. (At least I know I would) Hmmm. I might have to do something similar for my own mother.

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Liz, those are cute pictures! You could put one picture on the front and the other on the back of the t-shirt!

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