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I'm new and posted this first in the wrong place.

I have been looking at a lot of Cairn pictures and none look like my little girl.

She is a owner release from a 92 year old lady.

She's 11 months old, weighs in at 11 pounds.

I've been searching to try and find out what to do with her hair.

I tries several times to add her picture but must be doing something wrong.

Her hair is thin with some under coat, tan with red roots (at this time)

I know she is in no way a show dog, looks nothing like the ones I've seen but she is a bundle of love and joy, and I just want her to look the best she can.

So any ideas out there on what to do with this Angels wild hair?



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She is very cute as she is. Sorry i'm no help with thegrooming issue but I'm sure some of the folks here will have some great ideas.

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What a sweetie she is. That face is adorable. I'm certainly no expert, but to me it just seems like her fur around her face needs to be cut back. I've never done my own grooming, I take Scully to a groomer. The rest of her looks just fine. Maybe a good professional grooming would help. I really don't see anything wrong with her.

If you look at Scully's picture over on the far left, that's the day she came home from the groomer's. The one below is a "normal" day for her.


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I think Angel is cute, just needs some grooming. I don't think she is a mix, just a cairn that came w/ "pet" qualities, not "show" qualities. My middle cairn, Abbey is also a Wheaten like yours w/ a terrible thin silky coat. Both of her parents were beautiful and her father had the perfect cairn look, yet I always tease that she has some australian terrier in her. I use the Mars King Coat on Abbey to strip away her dead hairs. I know someone here has the link . . . Brad?

Anyways, welcome to the forum! You'll see that many of us here have pet quality cairns that we love dearly, myself included.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I hope this is how you reply to all your help.

I have heard of the mars king coat, will check into that.

She a sweet thing but has to keep up with three Westies that live here also.

I think the hair on her face is too long also, so will be seeing what I can do with that.

A groomer showed me how to strip her so I think it will be easier then my Westies.

I'm glad I found this place because I don't know any one with a Cairn that could help me with questions.


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