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"Hiding" the bone


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How do your dogs "hide" their bones? A few times I gave Alfie a chew bone, he was not interested in chewing it but went around the house to hide it. Because I was afraid of having ants in the house because of a forgotten chew bone (well, honestly, a forgotten chew bone is a wasted chew bone), I decided to stalk him and see where he hides his things. He does this veeerry quietly. His best hiding spot was underneath a stack of throw pillows, but majority of the time, he would just lay the bone down parallel to the wall, thinking no one would notice it. :whistle:

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Logan does the same thing. I think they all do actually. Logan hides it anywhere that we can't "see" him. God forbid if he catches us looking. Then it is off to another spot. His newest trick, now that it is warmer, is to go outside and bury it next to my flowers :devil:

BTW...a forgotten bone??? Mother...NEVER. These little guys forget nothing...ever. Logan has gotten upset that he didn't get people food and comes strolling in with a bone. He has them all over the house. I have even found them in the closet among the shoes. Crazy critter :whistle:


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LOL I should really give Alfie a chance to retrieve the bones himself from the hiding places. Mommy is afraid he'll lose interest in them......

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Lose interest? Never! They can remember a bone they hid MONTHS ago! Scout use to do this all the time, but now that Finch is here, she doesn't do it as much. Finch had hidden her bones a few times, but mostly she chews them.

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Ghillie just will not hide his bones while we are looking but sometimes when I'm sneaking around to see he will push it under something with his nose. He hides it different places all the timee. A faourite place is under my printer which is on the floor at my desk.

Every night we give the boys a bone with a bit of cheese stuffed in it. That is the bedtime ritual. Some nights it takes forever to find two bones. It is like a treasure hunt with the boys right in there helping (Of course the little brats know right where they are all the time)

I agree with everyone else. They never forget. When Ghillie was a puppy he dicovered a pork chop bone outside of our apartment building. We picked it up but every time he went out he had to go look for that bone right up to the day that we bought him the house.

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How funny!! You made me think of a Logan thing. When I am getting to close to a bone, he looks like a little kid that has just been caught. The ears start to wiggle, then the butt and the eyes are a dead give away. He'll start looking at the secret place and if I get too close, he runs to snag the bone and he "hides" it again. He does have trouble getting the ones out of my magazine basket but after a few dives it is his once again.

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I love to watch Scully "bury" her bones and then do the "dump dirt on it with my nose" action. Then she tamps the "dirt" down with her nose. It's hysterical!

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Liddy does the nose dirt cover, too! She likes to hide her bones in blankets, couch cushions or between pillows. Sometimes we even play hide-and-seek. I'll hide her bone and she'll run and follow me. As soon as I put it down, she swipes it and then goes and hides it herself. If I take to long finding the bone again she'll run to wherever she hid it and bark to tip me off.

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We haven't had Angus quite 3 weeks yet and I think the second day after we got him he paced my bedroom with his rope bone and crying! I figured he might be looking for a place to hide it so when he dropped it for a second I threw a t-shirt over it and he was content. When I took the t-shirt away the crying and pacing started again! It was hilarious.

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Mila has always hid her bones, etc., mostly under anything on the floor in the bedroom or living room. She especially likes under pillows or clothes. The funny thing is my last dog was a digger and buried things outside. Well Mila has found a couple old bones that my last dog buried. A bittersweet moment for me when I saw the prizes she had found in my yard.

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I enjoyed this post !!!!

Abraham pulls the same stunts, and sometimes I get into bed and start fluffing my pillow and guess what I find?? Guess he likes to make sure he has treats handy for midnight snacks?? he he

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Guest Moorscamp

We have 3 Cairns and the neatest trick is to watch one bury a bone in the couch. Of course the other two pretend not to be watching and as soon as the one doing the burying is done and walks away they jump up and steal the bone. LOL.

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Darcy doesn't do the "bury the bone" thing cause she knows that as soon as she burys it, Molly (our mixed Scottie/Jack Russel) will either be right there when she is burying it or will wait till she leaves and then run and confiscate it. Then it belongs to Molly.

But we had two Cairns before Darcy and they would do the "air burying" the bone. By that I mean they would put the bone in a corner or just right out in the middle of the room and then start pushing imaginary dirt over it. It was the funniest thing to watch. My husband and I would watch fascinated till Toby or Dusty got it just right and then out of devilment, he would go and pick it up and show them that it wasn't buried after all. The babies would look at us with this disgusted look and start all over again looking for just the right place, preferably out of our view.

They also buried chews and bones all over the back yard and later would happily bring one to us that looked like it had been in the ground for a long time, Yuk!!

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Darcy's Mom the air burying is just way too funny! :lol: Alfie looks around before he leaves the bone right in the middle of the room to make sure no one is watching but I have to see if he tries to kick some "dirt" in.

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Guest posting as: SavannahsMom

It is funny that you should mention this. I just saw my pup do this for the first time this week. She was walking around the kitchen with the bone in her mouth and I let her outside (thinking it may be time for a potty break). She went right to my pinestraw flower bed and buried the bone in the pinestraw. Funny thing is, if I hadn't seen her do it, I would have never suspected a thing. She put that pine straw back just exactly the way that it was! :halo:

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Savannah's Mom,

Don't think for one minute that she will forget where she put it. It may be months later but it will turn up again and it will be so nasty but she will treasure it as if it was a T-Bone steak. Smart pup!!!

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Guest SavannahsMom

I learned this quickly! I went back, unburied the bone and put it in a Ziploc bag for later thinking she would forget about it. Next time I let her out, she went right to the spot where she put that bone looking for it! I saw her bury another bone the other day and I left it there. I guess she will go back and get it when she is good and ready. They are smarter than some people give them credit for!

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