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Tink was chasing a baby bird last night!


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Well, I went outside yesterday evening to get Tink and she did not want to come in. She was chasing something flying just above the ground. It would swoop up and down, but just couldn't get going and I finally figured out it was a baby bird trying to learn how to fly. The mother bird was flying around overhead squealing and Tink was totally oblivious -_- . I couldn't catch her for anything. Finally, my son-in-law came out and we surrounded Tink and picked her up. The poor baby bird had given up, and was just lying there looking up like - please save me! After a couple of hours I went back out and the baby was gone. Tink had not hurt it, just wanted to play. My fear was that the mama bird was going to attack Tink for trying to play with her baby, or me for trying to save it.



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Been there , done that. One summer I put up that low wire garden fencing across abour 2/3 of my yard when there was a cardinal baby in the yard and the baby just kept hopping back through the fence. I din't let the boys in the yard for about 24 hours - just kept taking them for walks out the front and by that time baby was gone.

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