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Rufus and Rosebud

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post-859-1114375961_thumb.jpgHi My name is Sandy I live in the UK and have a 12 week old Cairn Puppy called Rufus, this really is a fantastic web site I have had loads of tips and hints already,

this is the first Cairn I have owned (or been owned by) so I am finding all the expert advice really usefull,

Thanks Sandy and Rufus


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Hi Sandy and Rufus! Welcome to our family.

Oh I could just hug and kiss that sweetie-pie face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a dollbaby!

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Welcome to Cairn Talk!

You're gonna love it here! Such a great group!!

Can't wait to see more pics! He's a cutie, for sure!


Cathy and Piper

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Welcome Sandy & Rufus,

I'm new as well. Rufus is adorable, you will get so much love from these little furkids. hugs to Rufus from Kramer whom is 6 months old

Rhonda,Kramer & Angel Missy "Blessed is the person who has earned the love of an old dog". "It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are" Missy Rainbow Bridge Memorial

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Welcome to Cairn Talk, Sandy! Rufus is just precious! Cairns will keep you in stitches with their expressions and antics...enjoy!

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Welcome Sandy and Rufus! Rufus is soooo cute, I am a first time cairn parent also and it has already been an experience worth having. Can't wait to hear more from you and Rufus! - Darsey

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Welcome Sandy and Rufus!! What a cutie pie you have. I love the one ear up and one still down. I know you'll have lots of stories and pics to share.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Welcome!! So glad to have you and Rufus with us... he really is a cutie. You will definately be posting about all his antics. It's unbelievable what our little :devil:'s can do for a laugh.


Oh, no...not the talking dogs. :lol:

That was one of the best threads and it still gets me laughing hysterically. Hopefully someone :whistle: will start it up again.

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Welcome!! We almost named our cairn Rufus...but his old name was Elfy and he would only respond to Alfie...Rufus is a great name! Also a cutie pie!

Anna :)

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Welcome Sandy and Rufus!!! I am also a first time Cairn parent. We have Abby (5 months old). We have gotten so much helpful information and support here. It's great!! Rufus is precious!!!


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