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Who gets to go to the bathroom alone?

Toto times 2

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I don't think I have been in the bathroom by myself in 12 years (except perhaps when there is company) Who else has faithful companions who absolutely must be with you in private moments. The cats can open the door by themselves and the dogs race in ahead of me. Oh well.

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I am glad that I am not the only one... Apparently Toto thinks since I have to watch him and make sure he goes outside, he has to make sure I go inside! :D Sometimes I just have to nudge him out the bathroom door for some peace and privacy. I have never had an pet so intent on following me to the bathroom. - Darsey

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:lol: Oh yes, the parade into the bathroom.

Today I was trying to paint my toe nails. Elliott just had to get in on it and now I have coral toes.

There's no way I can take a bath without him trying to jump in or lick the water/bubbles off my arms and legs.

No peace for us Cairn owners but would you want it any other way?

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Scout and Finch have to follow both of us in the bathroom (not at the same time!). Now, picture a small 1/2 bathroom with 2 Cairns and and adult trying to use the restroom...quite a snug fit! Do they mind? Not a bit! LOL!

Now, the funny part is when I have guests use the bathroom. They will usually pop their head out of the door and give me this helpless look like "what do I do?". I always state "you are on your own with this one". LOl!

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I love all your stories. Apollo and I sometimes argue about the shower. When he wins, he is in and out except for when it is "his bath time". When I get out of the shower, he sometimes licks the back of my legs. :confused: Goofy dog. Now for company, Apollo will sit patiently outside the door waiting for the OK, come on in. Never happens but boy when the company comes on out, Apollo acts like they just arrived.



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We can't close the bathroom door much anymore!! If we happen to close it, Piper sits right outside of it wimpering!

Weird thing is.....he seems very interested in what we are doing?


Cathy and Piper

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Gidget usually visits while I'm in the bathroom. She likes to watch the commode flush. She also always greets me when I'm getting out of the shower so she can lick my legs. These guys are so goofy :P

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Yep, Piper always thinks she has to be with me in the bathroom. And if by some miracle I do manage to get in the bathroom alone, she will sigh and snuffle under the bathroom door. :lol:

Kim,mama to furbaby, Piper 4/13/2003

"Things that upset a terrier may pass virtually unnoticed by a Great Dane." ~ Smiley Blanton

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My two could care less about the bathroom when one of us is in it. They wait until we are out then go in and ruin the toilet paper. Great Fun......FOR THEM!


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Rebel is content to be in the ajoining room. Like Mike's pups he only visits when no one is in the bathroom that way he can play with the paper.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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It's funny to know that we're not the only ones with a cairn who likes to be with us in the bathroom! :D Alfie barks when my husband takes too much time in the shower room. He searches around for something new to grab and play with. This morning it was my hairbrush. But most of the time he sits on the rug and waits till we're done!

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