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Former Foster Visit


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I was ready to spit nails today! My German Shepherds' former foster dad stopped by to visit him on the way to his sisters today. I was on the front porch when he pulled up. I welcomed him and opened the door, stepped inside and instead of him stepping inside and then saying hello to Buddy.....he stood there with the door open and let Gidget run right out the door. Needless to say I went off :mad: and took out after her. He just kinda stood there and said oops. What a dope!!!!!!!!!! All I could see was Gidget gone forever or getting run over. As you all know, you can't catch a Cairn. I called for her big brother Buddy to come out too and he kind of herded her back up to the porch. Whew!!!!!!!!! My heart was racing and my temper was boiling. On top of that, he told Gidget to get down when she jumped on the back of his legs wanting attention. Excuse me.........You can let a 80lb German Shepherd push you down, but you don't want a 7 lb pup jumping on your legs. What a FREAK :shock:

Needless to say, next time he calls or emails wanting to stop in I'm gonna have plans. :whistle:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!

That is every Cairn owners nightmare I think. so glad you got Gidget back quickly and safely.

I had a visitor tell me the other day that my house/yard was like a fortress....gate at the top of the inside stairs, gate at the top of the deck stairs, ex-pen in front of the fence gate just in case someone doesn't close the gate completely and a sign on the outside of the gate saying "Please keep gate closed, dogs in yard."

I like my peace of mind and I love my Cairns.


I'm so happy that you were able to get Gidget back safely. What a fright that is. It's my only fear as a Cairn parent. The times Scully got out totally freaked me out.


Thank goodness Gidget was safe. I know what a problem it is. My mum loves my dogs but still opens the front door because she is not used to having a dog around.


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