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Help, there's a monster under my covers!


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Does anyone else's Cairn "tunnel" under the covers before finding a spot for the night. We laugh so hard, Yoda will make several tunnel runs under our covers while making this cute pig like grunting noise.

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Yes, as a matter of fact Gidget makes several tunnel runs when we first go to bed. She has this little routine and it seems to take her forever to make her nest and settle down.

She first tunnels under the blanket laying over the foot of the bed, then runs to the head of the bed and darts under the covers. She then starts to dig. She does this a few times before finally laying down beside me, then getting up, then laying down, then getting up, then droppin' and she's out like a light.

Wheeeww...she wears me out!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Guest posting as: osuvicki

My little "monster" tunnels under the covers to bite my toes! She thinks it is soooo funny and will do it when she wants me to play OR get up and let her out. At 3 AM it can be a very effective way to wake me out of a sound sleep.....

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Ghillie tunnels some times but what he really like is "help mom make the bed". This involves leaping on the bed and having me tuck the bottom sheet over him while he growls and carries on. Then the performance is repeated with the top sheet and the blankets. He especially likes it if I tickle him under the covers. He sounds like a killer puppy but has the softest mouth and never makes a mistake and bites.

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