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Dori & Ellie's new play yard

Guest mrskti

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Guest mrskti

Ok, it's not as pretty as the white fence, but they love it just the same. Here's Dori and Ellie's new play yard. I had to dig around the poles a put in a little cement, beeeecause someone felt they needed to dig there! So i dug out around each pole yesterday and put concrete in, and it looks pretty good! But am I sore today!!! Anyway, thought you might like to see their new digs! Of course it's icky and rainy today, so they're inside. They also learned that they could get on the brick hearth and jump on the ottoman and get in the chair with me!!! That was pretty funny. Doggie treats are their friend!!! :D

The price of these pups goes up everyday!!!! ;)


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oh but the cost is worth it!!!! I am sure they love it


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Looks pretty neat!!!! Great job. We might put one using the same material. There is a dog run near us that looks just like your play area. My only concern is that everytime we go there, Alfie gets tons of ticks hanging onto him (even if we already put Frontline). So, having a play area of your own is really worth it.

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Guest cairnmother

They will love it! My backyard is fenced with chain link and fenced in front with a vinyl picket fence. I have way too many bushes to hide behind in the front and the backyard is partially wooded so neither area is all that great for a little cairn. I fenced in the front mostly for the safety factor. If the dog runs out the front door it's no big deal. He rarely does but it is there for my peace of mind. Just keep an eye on them and make sure they don't dig a spot under the fence. Might want to provide a little shade so they can get out of the sun when they get hot.

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Guest mrskti

Yeah we're going to put some stuff out there for them to hide in, get away from the sun. But I'll never leave them in there alone....too many hawks and turkey vultures around here!! It's just a place to take them to run around and work some energy off.

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I'm sure that they will enjoy it so much it looks very nice, with an umbrella and a kiddie pool they would have the most happening play yard around. B) - Darsey

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That looks like a great place for your two to play!! Yes, get a baby pool this summer...Scout loves the water and Finch is just getting use to it.

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Guest mrskti

well i dont think they'll need a baby pool, we have another fenced in area with a huge L shaped pool! They are going to love that. I have to find some of those cute little water vests for them!!!

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WOW! That is a tremendous play area. You did a terrific job (I should have hired YOU!) Your pups are going to have a blast. Give me an umbrella and a chair and I'll sit right out there with them. What a great mom you are!

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Guest mrskti

Thanks Joann, it isnt' beautiful like your's but it should keep them on the farm and they have a nice view!!! I was thinking about getting one of those outdoor double swings that have the awning over it. Since i'm going to be out there too they wont be chewing it up......i hope!

I had to get a new halter for Dori, she chewed hers totally apart, and while i was shopping I got them a stuffed mallard, it even honks. They LOVE it, and are having a ball with it.

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