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Tobys Dad

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Hello to all,

Just wanted to thank all the members for all there posts. I've been reading for about a month now and just registered yesterday. I don't own a cairn yet but we are getting one on the 29th of this month. Very excited His name will be Toby and he will be our first cairn. Just wanted to thank you all for all the great info.


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Congratulations on choosing a cairn! Toby will quickly be the center of your life.

I gained so much knowledge from this website after I got Alfie 3 weeks ago. I also try contribute....


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Toby is a real cutie. I know you can hardly wait.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Welcome to our group and congratulations on the addition of Toby to your home.

You are going to be SO happy and you will wonder how the heck you ever lived without one before.

Toby looks absolutely adorable and we can't wait to see more pictures.

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Welcome and congrats! He is so cute, I bet the anticipation is almost too much to bear! I look forward to hearing more from you and Toby. - Darsey

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A great big welcome! It just seems like yesterday that I was in your shoes. Anticipating Gidget's arrival.

Toby is a real cutie! Can't wait to see more pictures.

Good Luck!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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