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We have had Angus for just under 2 weeks now. I have been reading up on hand stripping and I feel fairly confident that I'll get the hang of it. My question is...how do I know when he needs to be stripped? He is 11 weeks old.



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Hi Jan...congrats on your new pup! I've been enjoying your posts. Angus has been squeezing through our gate when he's in the kitchen. He was out when I got home today too. He pooped in the kitchen but no other big messes thankfully. He does really well in his crate.

As far as the grooming, I'll be waiting to hear from the experts, but I also bought a book from the site. It is available in the shopping area and was only $7.

Good luck!


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I had my dog stripped when he was about 8 months old for the first time...by that time his coat had "opened up" that is he had a part down the middle of his back. How oftern depends on how much you want your dog to look like a show dog. I personally like to keep my guy looking neat and tidy and reasonably show stripped..not exactly though. I think Cairns that are left totally unstripped look really bad, but thats my opinion! I am starting to get the hang of this stripping thing..if you have it professionally done by a breeder, then it is pretty easy to keep the look by stripping every some every few weeks.

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Hi Mickey,

Puppies have a light outercoat which is ready to come out when they are 10-12 weeks or so old. If you bought Angus from a knowledgeable Cairn breeder most likely much of this outercoat will already have been stipped off. By the time your puppy is about four months, all of the outcoat from head, to feet to tail should have been removed.

The next time they would be ready for a complete strip is sometime between 9 months and a year old. It depends how quicly the coat grows, every dog is slightly different.

I would contact your breeder for advice.


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