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A lady in the park yesterday had one for her senior dog. I couldn't bellieve it. I found it on the internet

101674.jpg on a stacks and stacks website.

I think this is great for senior dogs!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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When we were in Hawaii, there is a man over there that has four or five yorkies and he has rigged up his own stroller to push them around in. It was pretty amazing.


Children don't care how much you know...they want to know how much you care.
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Liz, I've just been seeing those in some of the gazillion catalogs I get!

Now if I can just train Scully to push ME in it as I get old....... :D

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I thought about getting one for Tink because I take 4-5 mile walks when I can and she can't make it that far. But, then I was afraid the neighbors (and my husband) would laugh at me. A dog in a stroller... :P Guest I shouldn't worry so much about the neighbors! By the way, how expensive are they?



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OMG, I was thinking the same thing when I saw the picture!!! :D

Let's just hope brad doesn't wear gingham and MaryJanes.

BTW, the stroller was $129.00.

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I was looking for a stroller when Wes was under a year old. It was like walking a canine vacuum cleaner. I was tempted to convert a child's stroller, but my dh would have felt like a freak wheeling it.

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I'm afraid that if I bought one my DH would sign me in for a 48 hour evaluation period!

I do think they are cute and would have loved to have one when Finch was tiny. I always ended up carrying her the last half of her walk...lol!

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My Mum's neighbours have two quite elderly little dogs and they walk a lot. The take a kid's wagon and the oldest dog rides home in it. It is quite sweet but I can't imagine the boys going for that.

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