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Advice on meeting "uncle"


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Hello All!

I hope everyone is doing well. I have a question for the wise

group. :D My in-laws are coming today to stay for the weekend.

They just got a new pup. He is about 10 weeks, male, yorkie.

My question is.... Grilly is just getting used to the new digs. (We have

only been in the house 6 days) So, he is still a little off....clinging to me,

change in appetite....etc. (poor babe) I was wondering the best way

to introduce the two munchkins. I don't want to confuse Grilly, regarding

whose house this is. Does that make sense? Or am I just being a nervous

Cairn Mommy? :huh:

Thanks for any advice!


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Guest cairnmother

Give Grilly preferential treatment. If you feed both, feed Grilly first. Make it known to both dogs that Grilly is the master of the house. Having another dog in the house is liable to make him very jealous and he will feel better if he knows he isn't being displaced. Don't let him get too nasty with the puppy though. Let him know that is not appropriate behavior. I have had 2 cairns ( not living together at the same time) and neither one particularly liked other dogs being around. We had a collie that both dogs weren't very nice to. Teddy gets jealous if I even speak nice to our Amazon parrot. He is fine with him as long as the bird isn't getting attention. Cairns prefer being the only child. Hope it works out. Have a good visit!

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Are your in laws bringing a crate with them? I think this will help when they both need a break. I would ask your inlaws to meet you in a near by park, or even a parking lot so they can first meet away from Grilly's home. I would then bring them to your backyard and let them "meet" again to play and sniff before bringing them both inside your house. It's hard to predict what might happen when two dogs meet so be prepared to keep them separated if needed. I'm sure everything will be fine and Grilly will make a new best friend...be sure to take lots of pictures to share!

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