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i think we're bonding


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It's been a few stressful days, lack of sleep/lack of appetite (me, not Booker). He's hyper, which I expect. I'm wore out, can't wait til the weekend. Maybe I'll settle down, sleep late............jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Cairns can sure wear you out, can't they??? Although you are tired and hungry, Cairn's are soooooo worth the trouble! I can still remember last summer when I felt the same way you did. It seemed that I lived and breathed just for this dog!!! My whole world seemed to center around my baby Cairn. Now, I wouldn't have it any other way!

Here's hoping you get lots of rest and good things to eat this weekend!

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Hi Jan:

You will enjoy your new cairn so much. I really envy you getting a puppy. I love my boys dearly but would still like to have a puppy.


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Your words of encouragement (to know someone else experienced this) make me want to go on!!!!!!!!.........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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My husband and I are tired. Alfie likes being outside all the time. He wakes up at 6 am and makes noise to wake us up. It sounds like a horn tooting, it's not a bark or cry. I can't describe it but it's funny. If I don't get up from bed (on weekends, for example), he will make sure I get up. We welcome the change in pace and lifestyle. I'd rather be busy than be a couch potato! It is tiring but it's also fun.

We have to watch Alfie when he goes to the basement now. My husband discovered poop near the fireplace (we don't know how long it's been there-- we thought he was 100% housetrained!) -- we seldom go down there after the winter is over, I guess Alfie didn't recognize the area as a part of the house! :confused:


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