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My co-workers saw Booker's pic. They said I needed for him to have surgery so his tail can be docked. Is this so?



He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Guest cairnmother

Cairns don't have their tails docked. Personally I think it is a cruel practice. I believe it has been outlawed in some countries. What a barbaric thing to do in the name of vanity. Just my opinion.

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Guest mrskti

and dont even get me started on the ear thing!! cant imagine docking my little girls tails...the love to wag them too much!!!

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Don't even think of docking the tail. This is an inhumane practice. I've never seen a cairn with a docked tail and hope I never do. Your co-workers don't know what they are talking about. Enjoy your cairn as he is.

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Please don't dock your cairn's tail. While there is a standard "show" length and look to the tail, this comes naturally from high breeding standards and a good breeding line. Most of the cairns here have the "pet" look, not "show" look. Two of my cairns would get a major default on their tails, too long and feathery. I was told by my friend who breeds and use to show years ago that there have been those who would dock the tail to meet standards, even shorten the ears too all in the name of "greed".

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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Guest posting as: jansop

"Your co-workers don't know what they are talking about."

I tried to tell them that. I told them I'd post on this board to see what the general practice is.

I'd never dock my new puppy's tail...............jan

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Our groomer said the Cairn's tail is supposed to look like an upside-down carrot...giving Liddy the new nickname "Carrot Butt." I'd never dock her tail...it is such a big part of her personality.

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A Cairns tail should never be docked. As a matter of fact, as a working dog, the handlers often used their sturdy tail as as a way to contol thier dog when going to ground after quarry.

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I am so glad to hear you have made that decision not to dock. You will make a great cairn mom.


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