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I Am One Lucky Cairn!


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My mommy and daddy love me berry berry much. They boughted me this big fence and I can run and run and be safe. I am berry happy. I was so happy I went right outside and peed and pooped.

This is me looking at my friend Sheba. She is a Shepherd but we luv her anyway.


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I was just outside hosing down all the dirt and stuff and it was like Grand Central Station. I had people driving by asking who put it up and saying how much they like it. We put a six foot privacy on this side (see below) to block out the PITA neighbors on the one side. Hope they get the hint!



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Guest mrskti

oh my gosh, you live right in the middle of the city!!!! WOW! our closest neighboor is like 1/2 mile at least away!! Our dog yard is just chain link, but man do i love it. They just finished it today, and wouldnt' you know we had a cold front go through and it's misting! Poop! I noticed that I'm going to have to do some cement work around the poles, they're already digging a hole around one, the little farts!!! So tomorrow I'll get my bag of whatever and sit out there and start my work. Your fence looks great, i love those kind!!!

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I love your fence! That would have cost us a fortune to fence our yard w/. We have a wood fence, 6 ft on the sides and part of the back. It drops down to 4 ft across the mid section of the back so we can enjoy the lake view. We had to run gravel all along the fence line to keep Kiara from digging, took us forever to do. I bet that cement helps keep Scully's nails trim.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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brad, she almost looks like she doesn't know what to make of it. Last night she was running all around but today she seems more subdued. I so much wanted a place for her to run and play - it was well worth the $$$, more so that she will be safe.

mrskti, we live in Philadelphia and it certainly IS a concrete jungle at least out back. Out front though we have a lot of grass (for a city home :D ) and trees.

toomanypaws, it set us back some major dog bone $$ but it's well worth it. Like you all said, she certainly won't be digging, thank God!

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Wow, Scully, you have your own personal playground!! The fence looks great, I can just picture Scully zooming around.

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Scully must be one happy little girl!!! That's a great new fence and I'm sooo green with envy!!! We want to fence in our yard, but with our size, it would be close to 20k.....sigh.....maybe in another life!

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Lucky Scully!!!



P.S. Have to ask....is that a vinyl coated fence? We have been talking of replacing our wood one and don't know anyone who has one yet in our area. Curious as to the maintenance on those???

Cathy and Piper

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Oh Scully, look at you!!!! I bet you're having so much fun with your new found freedom!!!! Tell your Mommy and Daddy that I like your fence - it's very pretty (almost as pretty as you Scully!!). I'm going to have to show Abby's Daddy and start dropping a few hints!!! Have a great time!!!


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Joanne, that's a great fence! I love the vinyl fencing. It looks so clean! I know Scully is going to enjoy it! Beth, you described our fence perfectly. I love our view of the pasture, but the horses and cows back there drive my guys crazy!


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CathyAnn, it's the vinyl coated fence. We went through Home Depot and their installers. I'd have to look at the write-up but I know the gate section is 18 feet across, and the sides are between 18-20 (I think) feet in length. With installation it came to about $3,800. With us, since it had to go into concrete, you get charged for these "hard digs" so grassy areas would be a bit cheaper.

For all of you who have "real" yards, with cows and stuff - I'd KILL for that! Maybe someday!

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How wonderful for Scully, he is very lucky to have such good people parents!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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Guest cairnmother

Good choice going with the vinyl fence. We have had ours for 5 years now and it still looks as good as it did the day we put it up. Have to wash the green mold on the shady side of the fence once or twice a year but that isn't hard to do. At least it doesn't need painting. Your pictures bring back memories for me. My grandmother lived in Philadelphia in a row house and we used to visit once a year. Seemed like there was a small store on every block. Is it still that way?

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Guest Darcy's Mom

Scully, you are one lucky dog with that great new fence and all the freedom you could possibly need. Maybe your mom will even opt for a pup to keep you company now that she can corral you?

We take our backyard for granted, it's hurricane fencing, and of course there are holes dug in it all over the place. We have to be very careful where we step that we don't turn an ankle thanks to our two dogs, both of who think they are supposed to be excavating back there. How nice that your "yard" is concrete. The fencing is lovely and also keeps down the barking at neighbors. Best of all, no holes dug all over the place to step in. I am very envious.

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The fence is great! Logan has decided he wanst to get out of his so the holes are all over. Silly boy doesn't realize that he may get out of ours but right into the neighbors!

Love Philly. We went there for our Anniversary last year. DH works for the Prime Rib Restaurant here in Baltimore so we got to see the one in Philly. Very nice! Same thing but it is nice to see how the others are run.

Enjoy the freedom Scully :devil:

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With our first Cairn we concreted all around the perimeter of our yard before installing a wrought iron fence. What an expense. The Cairn we have now, Tink, digs in the yard but hasn't tried to dig under the fence yet. She is so different from our previous one - doesn't try to dig out of the yard, or bark at the moon the way Oliver did. She is a stinker though :devil: !



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Woo Hoo Scully! Can we come to play. We think you're pretty cute.

Ghillie and Smokey (the boys)

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Ghillie and Smokey, I would LUV for you to come play in my new yard. My mommy keeps treats by the back door 'cause I don't like to come inside when she calls me. She thinks I come in to get the treat. I'm just trying to make her feel like she traineded me.

Logansmom, my dad was born in Baltimore!

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That is a wonderful fence and a great play area for Scully. Now you'll have some security with him.

Even though our yard is fenced in, I still try and keep an eye on my crew....call it nervous mother syndrome.

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I love the look on her face, its like, I used to be able to go over there and now I cant. I really like that fence, we have a wooden privacy fence and the maintenance is dreadful, next time I think we will go vinyl.

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Even though our yard is fenced in, I still try and keep an eye on my crew....call it nervous mother syndrome.

Kay, I have been out with her constantly or watching out the window. The yard is right outside our family room and I was folding wash right inside the door and I felt so uncomfortable and nervous with her being out there by herself. I'm so used to her being in the same room with us or upstairs with my mom. I tried to sit on the sofa and read a bit and let her stay out and "play" but it got the best of me after about five minutes and I brought her in. I'm a Nervous Nellie Mommy!

Cairnmother, it's a rowhome (or when you spend about $200,000 + for them in the 'burbs they're called "townhomes"). When I was growing up there were a lot of "mom and pop" grocery stores on the corners but they have given way to "strip" mall type stores with WaWa or 7-11. If you go into the older neighborhoods they still have those mom and pop stores. Do you remember what section she lived in?

Thanks for all the kind comments about the fence. We really did do it for Scully so we hope that she will be happy playing back there and have her freedom.

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