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I swear the longer I have Gidget the more I believe they're just like 2 yr olds. Gotta keep your eye on them 24-7. I've been on the computer tonight and the dogs have been in the living room and back & forth checking on me.

I wasn't really thinking about not hearing Gidget and Greta playing until I heard something crack. When I got up to go look Gidget had brought her digging skills in from the outside. She had climbed into my scheffalera (sp) and dug about half of the dirt out of the pot. I had black damp dirt all over my area rug. She had also chewed on the tray I had under the pot and put a big crack in it. So much for water leaking into the tray now.

She dug so much dirt out that I'm going to have to buy another bag to add to it.

Oh yeah, she also managed to destroy two of the stems. Now I only have two left.

:mad: She knew as soon as I said her name that she'd better run for it. She hid under the kitchen table. I finally ran her out from under there and put her in her crate. That very well might be where she sleeps tonight! :mad:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Oh yes....my very special Ficus tree, the one with very little dirt left in it. It seems to be the favorite off limit item for Elliott to use to test my patience.

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I always tell myself and my husband "Well you have only yourself to blame." A quiet Cairn or Pug puppy is something to worry about. I bet she could tell you were mad just by the way you stood and talked to her. She was just having a good time and she thought she was doing good because she wasn't bothering you while you were working. :twisted: I bet you gave her a great big hug when you took her out of her crate.

It is funny when it happens to someone else. Thanks for the smile early this morning.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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There is a reason I have no plants inside. Between cairns and cats they don't stand a chance. I got a chuckle out of the story.

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Never having had kids, once I had Cairns I learned about the "be worried when they're quiet" episodes!

Today's a BIG day in Scully-World, "her" new fence is being installed as we speak. No more grass to dig out back, only concrete and a six foot white vinyl privacy fence.

We have backyard toys and we're READY TO RUMBLE!

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Alfie is going to be so jealous of Scully! We want a fence! He's currently happy with the stake and cable but I sense he'll be happier without that thing tugging at him when he's at the end of the line.

Yesterday, Alfie single-handedly pulled out his pillow bed that I swear weighs 5 lbs (well...maybe less but you get the picture, it's bigger than him), placed it in the living room and proceeded to chew the corners off. I let out a big NO when I saw it. While I was pulling it back to where it originally was, Alfie rolled around his back and stayed still. I approached him and he didn't move. He now does this act when he knows he did something wrong.... :oops:

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Scully will be beside herself not to be tied onto the tie-out chain. Actually, mommy is MORE excited...LOL!

Did you ever have to move the bed AND the Cairn on top of it? This little bugger, a few times that I wanted to put her in the kitchen, hopped on top of the bed just as I went for it and I had to drag her AND the bed. What a nut!

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That must have been a riot with Scully, but, no, Alfie hasn't done that (yet). He's so happy pulling the bed by himself, he has that look of glee and even brags by looking around for anyone who's watching him.

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All of my indoor plants are either on pedestals that are too tall for Duffy to reach, or hanging from the ceiling. Fortunately I have an old Victorian house with 10' ceilings. Thank God these guys can't jump!


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I know...bud I was too mad at the time and wasn't thinking about pics.

After I had it all cleaned up I realized I should have taken a shot of it.

Sorry. :oops:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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Pictures would have been great! It's very true that silence is NOT golden around here! It spells TROUBLE, unless they are sleeping....and this is a good thing!

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I had to put my real plants all out in the back sunroom and only leave (or buy more) artificial plants for indoors. I can't leave Abbey & Hannah alone unless they're napping. Right now I hear them playing w/ a squeaky toy so I know they're not getting into trouble. :devil:

Scully's mom, I had to laugh about you dragging the bed. :lol: During the day I keep a babygate up between the kitchen and breakfast room, leaving Kiara in the breakfast room w/ her bed. I do this in case my dh came in through the garage and opened the kitchen door before the garage door is shut, which has happened and Kiara quickly darts out. At night, Abbey's bed is in the kitchen so I can race her out to the side yard first thing in the morning. Kiara will be sleeping in her bed in the breakfast room and refuse to get out of it so I have to slide her through the kitchen to Abbey. (Abbey won't sleep w/o Kiara next to her). There's even times that she keeps her head tucked in like she's sleeping only to look up at me when I start to walk away. I just love the personalities of this breed.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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