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I'm getting closer and closer to getting my puppy. Perhaps tomorrow evening if I feel like making the 120 mile round trip after work.

I'm leaning towards either:

1. Winston

2. Oliver

3. Quincy

4. Zeke

5. Scruffy

6. Doodle

Any ideas, which one do ya'll like?



He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Personally I like Oliver and Quincy. We had thought about Oliver with ours but he turned out to look like a Ghille and I always loved the Quincy show. Whatever the name you will love a cairn. :thumbsup:

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Hmmm....I like Oliver, Zeke and Quincy.

I sitting here pretending as if you would call them - Quincy and Zeke are easier given the one and two syllables. But then will Oliver you could call him Ollie.

Don't forget - WE WANT PICTURES! Good luck!

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Oliver is kind of cute. Part of the excitement of getting a cairn is naming him/her. If I were you, I'd have a hard time going to work tomorrow knowing my pup is ready. Will you get to take some time off from work once you get your pup?

Here's a link w/ puppy names for you:


Don't forget to post us a picture!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I like Oliver, mostly because it seems like we are always shortening their names (Chelsea is already Chels)... Ollie for when you're feeling lovey-dovey is perfect! ...and yet it still sounds respectable and Alpha... :thumbsup:

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I go for Oliver because my first was an Oliver. He lived to be 17 and was a great dog.



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I like the name Oliver, too. Especially with the nickname Ollie.

Speaking of dog names, I know we have a lot of Dogster fans on the board, have any of you seen the Cairn Sherlock Bones? I love this name!

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Some people come up with such clever names. I like Oliver.

Be careful what you call him, I named Rebel before I got him. I had been watching a movie about the Scottish Rebels. There was a line in the movie about how the Rebels had done so much for Scotland. So I thought Rebel McCormick . Now :devil: he fits his name he is a true Rebel.

I didn't even think about it but one of dear friends told me the name offended her and that was the last thing I wanted to do was offend someone with his name. So around her he is called Reb or Reby. But Rebel fits him the best.

I can't wait to hear what you name your bundle of joy!


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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And I'm fond of Oliver too....

I can hear it now.... "OLLIE, get down, OLLIE, no!, OLLIE, come!, OLLIE, I can't believe you did that".... :lol:

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I like both Oliver and Quincy. Just remember that, whatever you name him, it has to be a name you're comfortable yelling in the back yard in the middle of the night!

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...Or comfortable yelling at the top of your lung in a dog park...now everyone at the dog park (and the people that lives around the park) knows our Cairn is PEPPER!!! PEPPER!!!...it is almost embarrasing when all the other parents have to do is to give a hand signal and their labs, German Shepherds, etc would go to them...my wife and I are like 2 lunatics chasing Pepper and scream "PEPPER..PEPPER..." Good luck!

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I just love the name Quincey! And it sounds good shortened to Quince, too.

Liz, I can't imagine what would be offensive about the name Rebel. Is it b/c of it's Civil War reference to the Confederate soldiers? I still don't see it. :huh:


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I too like Oliver. That just seems to fit a Cairn.

I also found a couple of others that sound good as Cairn names.

Gordon and Herbie.

Good Luck, let us know and post pics real soon!

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I like Oliver too. Whinston seems too stuffy. Once you get your new pup , one name may fit better than another. I Had chosen Guinness , if I got a male dark brindle, once I got a pup, it just didn't seem to fit him. He is now Aidan. Brodie, lived with us for almost a couple of weeks before I settled on his name. :-) Enjoy!

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Well, it's possibly going to be Booker. That's what the woman who owned him called him.

He's at my house now. WOW!!! It's almost overwhelming! He slept with me last night and slept straight through. I tossed and turned because I was afraid I'd roll over on him.

It's weird the way he walks around and then all of a sudden.....just flops. He does that when I take him outside.

He's kind of people shy.

I'm going to put him in the crate, go to work, and check on him at lunchtime........jan


He who laughs last thinks slow.

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Guest posting as: jansop


This morning I just couldn't stand to hear him cry when I put him in the crate. I blocked off the kitchen and let him run.

Came home to no pee/poop on the floor!!! Yipeeee!!

Going back to work now...........jan

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