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This is my dogs home too


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Don't get me wrong...I love all of our family members and I love to have company but they all know we have Cairns. This is my Cairns home, their yard, their territory.

Today I got a tad upset because we had visitors who made it clear that my dogs were annoying to them. Elliott and Madison were just being themselves and I tried to explain that the puppy, Elliott was going through training and to help me out when he jumped or did something wrong. They weren't doing anything aggressive or persistant...they just wanted to be social.

It was a gorgeous spring day but I ended up having to put Maddy and Elliott in their crates for a couple hours and that kind of irritated me.

How much of an obligation do we owe visitors who don't like our dogs but know they're here? Next time....the crew stays.

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I'm with you. Folks who visit know we have a multi dog house and should be prepared to tolerate this or simply not visit or stay long enough to get annoyed. I'll be darned if I'm going to crate any of mine for company! I recently had a girlfriend stop by and when I invited her in she said "I'm not coming in there" when I asked why she stated it was because she was afraid of my German Shepherd. I didn't offer to put him up or let him outside so she could come in. I figured that was her choice and left it at that.

I don't want to be rude, but like you said, this is my house, the dogs home and the dogs territory. I'm not punishing them for checking guests out.

Good luck with your delima. :thumbsup:

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I am with ya on that one too. I do get a chuckle out of my husband's cousin's husband. Chuck absolutely hated my Schnauzer Milo. :mad: Well now that we have Apollo, Chuck so much wants Apollo to like him and you know Cairns - Apollo initially will greet him but after that Apollo totally ignores Chuck. :whistle: I say smart dog! :thumbsup:



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I have run into this with my mother in law....and THEY have dogs! They just don't like "little" dogs....can you believe that?? Anywho, when the "inlaws" are here they make statements like, "go away, I don't like you", and "beat it". The nerve! I haven't said anything to them, but I have voiced my concerns with DH. I really dislike their dogs because they are big and slobber. I would NEVER tell them that I don't like them or "go "away"...that's just plain rude.

But, these are my in laws and I'm not going to give excuses for the dogs, or put them in the crate. As you said...this is THEIR house!

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You know, I'm at a point in my life that you're going to have to accept me for who I am, which is a person who loves her pets. For the most part, I prefer being w/ my family, which consists of my dh, dd, the "cairn girls", my other 2 dogs, plus even more pets. :shock: As far as a ton of visitors and parties, been there, done that and don't miss it. We seem to go out more than entertain these days. Our weeks are hectic and my dh travels alot so sometimes we really prefer solitude. All of our family live hours away. When they visit, they usually stay for a few days to 2 wks. My parents are great, have two dachshunds of their own and understand my love for the cairns, but do wonder how I do it w/ so many pets. :huh: My sister and family are the ones who don't like dogs, little dogs. :mad: They will make a fuss over our lab and totally ignore the cairns. I ask you, how can one ignore a cairn? It just isn't going to happen. :nono: I finally have to tell my BIL to just say hello to them and "maybe" they'll leave him alone, and maybe they won't :lol: .

I had to crate my cairns recently when I had some work done on my house. I had all three babygated in the kitchen and they would have been fine if the workers weren't giving my lab so much attention and asking about my aussie in the back room. The cairns got quite vocal to be noticed so I crated them. I guess there's those who prefer big dogs and those who prefer little ones. I was always one to prefer the big dogs until cairns entered my life. :wub: Now I'll never be w/o one (or more) ;) I'll take them over company anyday.

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I have the same thing with my brother - who has always loved animals. I don't get it. The few times he comes over he's always yelling at Scully, "get away you little rat dog", or "get the hell out of here". All she's doing is wanting him to pet her.

Not just with animals, but with other incidents in life, I'm always amazed at what people think they have the right to say. I would never even think to say some of the things I hear.

We need more dogs and less people!

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"We need more dogs and less people" (still can't figure out how to do that quote thing :confused: )

Scully'sMom, That phrase is going to stick with me forever...it is a wonderful saying and just so true!!

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I agree - this is our home and our dog's home as well. People know we have her (how could they not - we brag on her all the time!!), so if they don't want to be around her they just simply don't have to come. I realize that not everyone is a "dog person" but they shouldn't expect you to put your dogs out or in their crates just because they have decided to come to your house!!! That is just being a rude guest!!!


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My feelings exactly. My parents were over and my pug jumped in my Dad's lap and gave him a kiss (several) and then moved on to my Mom, I laughed and said we call that a drive by pugging. They thought that was so funny and when I asked do you want me to put them in the Sun Room my Mom said of course not this is their house.

I will put them in the Sun Room for my Mother in law because I am afraid they might trip her up or get hurt by her walker. My inlaws don't beleive in having pets in the house but after 27 years they know better than to say anything. My sons have had a number of animals including a pet skunk, Edgar.


Rebel, Hammurabi, Sugar, Dirty Harry, Paint, Duncan and Saffron

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When I see the faces of the people here at work completely change when the Shepherds come in and you see these "macho" men playing ball with them, etc., that's when I say we need more dogs and less people.

When I see the sheer love in Scully's face and the excitement she feels when my husband, myself or my mom comes home - that's when I say we need more dogs and less people.

Dogs give you unconditional love, asking for very little in return.

Other than the love my DH gives me, there's nothing like a kiss from a pup that absolutely adores you.

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Usually when my friends come over, they bring their dogs with them! That solves the problem!

"Drive by pugging..." Absolutely love it! Allie does this only with special people. I'll share the phrase with them.

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People know we have two dogs and two cats and they either come over and enjoy them with us or don't come. This small dog/large dog thing gets to me. If you like animals why differentiate. Fine don't have a small dog if you don't want one but don't ignore my pups when all they want is for you to say hello.

I have some sympathy for allergies but that is out of my control and other than having some benedryl on hand I can't help.

The "drive by pugging" is just too funny. Do you remember the movie Mrs. Doubtfire when Mrs. Doubtfire throws a piece of fruit at Pierce Brosnan and then says it was a run by fruiting? We have always said since then "it's a run by dogging" or "a run by catting" depending on the circumstances.

Love me, love my dog is just the way it is.

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The only time I crate Duffy and Mickey is when my folks come to visit. They are both in their 80's and both dogs are just a little too rambunctious to be left out. Theywill say hello to them when they arrive and then either go play outside (if the weather is nice), or stay in their crates. They usually only visit for a couple of hours anyway. All of my other friends who visit have dogs of their own so their has never been an issue.


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Everyone who knows me knows that this is an animal lover's house, and if they're going to visit, they should expect to be licked, pawed and inspected when they first get here. My guys usually ignore the guests once they've checked them out. To people who think I should crate them or put them out or in another room b/c guests are here, I ask would they expect me to do that with my children? To me, there is no difference. They are members of this family. Like it or leave it!


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When I just had the two Cairnys, I never really had a problem with anybody. Boy, did they know how to work a party. Maddie would seek out all the dog lovers and curl up in their laps for petting. I had a many a person over the years that said they'd take her from me in a NY minute. Murph would go to each person, sit in front of them with his paw up in the air, until they gave him a potato chip. Then he'd be on to the next person.

The Collies, being so big and rambunctious as puppies have been a lil' bit different. I didn't have to crate them though. They'd either be in the bedroom or outside, which they love so I don't think they ever viewed it as a hardship. Until they mature and get calmer, I bring them out one at a time for short periods. Train them to sit nicely for people to pet, then when I could tell they were getting too much for people, I'd put them back in the bedroom. Oz at 3 now can be around visitors full time and is as good as gold. I don't even have to worry about him anymore around my grandparents, who are unstable on their feet. Gull, the one year old, however, is still a work in progress. He'll get there though.



Music Dog Videos - featuring Murph the Cairn, Oz and Gully the Collies and Idgie the Jack

Nothin' Butt Dogs - Picture Contest - July 2006 Photo Contest... Theme: Naughty Dogs... Submit Picture by July 30th, 2006.

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Hmmm... this one is a tough one, I think. I believe it depends on the dog, the owners, and the visitors.

Nobody likes an ill-mannered dog, just as nobody likes ill-mannered children. I love animals and I love my dogs but I tend to think that friendships and family and, well, People are sort of important, too! :P

I owned a Shepard once and don't blame anybody for feeling a little afraid of the breed. I am nervous around large dogs I don't know and get even more nervous thinking they can sense that I am afraid! I have often greatly appreciated it when my friends have sympathetically put their Dobermans or Shepards or Rottweillers in another room out of respect for my fear, however inappropriate it might have been. I, in turn, never minded securing my dog when people visited, though I rarely needed to because she was as gentle as they come and most people realized this right off the bat.

With any dog, or any child, I think as owners and parents we need to teach both how to behave with manners and a little bit of couth, unless, as some have indicated here, we just don't care if we ever come into contact with another human being again! :P Visiting my parents' house when their three Shitzus were alive was, in general, just a nightmare. They would beg for food around the table (three of them, on their butts, staring at you and whining, during a Thanksgiving meal) and act, in general, like the spoiled dogs that they were. We never made comments, as that would have been rude, but the dogs were not real pleasant to be around.

I guess I see both sides of the story (as I so often tend to) and think there are times when it is okay to kennel one's dogs for the sake of another person's feelings and there are times when it is, indeed, okay to let them rule the roost. The world just isn't black and white, though it would be SO much easier if it were... B)

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My mother-in-law is a dear lady who just tolerates my dogs. Wouldn't you know my dogs have always gone directly to her, begged her for food and wanted to sit with her. As I said. she just tolerates them and would probably prefer we didn't have them around - she ignores them if they ignore her. Of course, she has to be the one they want to be with when she visits, and they just ignore us.



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