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We Need A Name


What should we name her?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. What should we name her?

    • Chelsea
    • Nellie
    • Madeline
    • Madison (Maddie)
    • Zoe
    • Chareena

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Okay, Cairn Forum Friends!

We brought home a four-month old female yesterday :wub: and Charlie LOVES his new girlfriend. Problem is, our family can't decide on a name. The two Alphas (my husband and I) really like the whole Charlie/Chelsea combo. My son HATES Chelsea (but he'll get used to it eventually if we choose it). We could live with the other names, as well.

Thought I'd throw a poll out there and let the forum decide! I can't promise we'll eventually pick what you pick, but it sure will be helpful in stopping a family feud!

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Guest mrskti

Chloe, Cassie, Marlie, Lola, Candy, Maggie for just a few...

Congradulations on the new baby!!! I'm happy for ya, you know that!!! :thumbsup: Dont forget pictures!!!


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Guest mrskti

well that shows you how awake I am today, i didnt' even see the poll till after I posted....duh!!!! Must have gotten woke up early from some little puppies!!!

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Congrats on the new sister for Charlie! My vote went to Nellie. I seem to go with names that are not popular...lol!

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Guess I should have waited to post a poll. We have a CONCENSUS (is that how you spell it?)

Her name is Chloe Chareena.

My six year old daughter LOVES Chareena! She made it up herself and SO BADLY wants this for at least her middle name. Would somebody out there do me a BIG FAVOR and vote for Chareena at least once? Nellie was my son's first choice (until he heard Chloe) and they are both keenly interested in the results of this poll. Thanks in advance! :P

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Would somebody out there do me a BIG FAVOR and vote for Chareena at least once?

Consider it done!!! Best of luck with your new little girl. Please tell your daughter that she has TERRIFIC ideas when it comes to names and that she did a great job.

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Guest cairnmother

Tribo, You are probably getting tired of me putting my two cents worth in. It seems like everytime you post I answer. Whatever rolls easily off your tongue works best. Usually it is a two syllable word that ends in an E sound. I let my husband name our last collie. He ended up with the name Haggis. Everytime that I have let my husband name a pet it was always a name that was hard to say and that I didn't particularly like so now it's not open for discussion. Whatever you pick you will have to live with for the life of the dog so pick a name that you love.

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CairnMother, why on earth would I be tired of your posts? I welcome any and all replies to my posts and I thank you for putting your two cents in!! :D

I agree that the name needs to be easy to say. Chloe rolls off our tongues and fits well with Charlie, I think, without sounding too similar.

My kids want to hold a marriage ceremony. I told them they're a little young to be getting married.... :P

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Thank you, Scully's Mom!!!! My daughter was THRILLED that she received a vote! :D I just relayed your message to her and she simply BEAMED!

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I also voted for Chareena, cute name! I understand children wanting to be involved w/ the name. My dd named our 2nd cairn Abigail Lee and we call her Abbey most of the time.

Enjoy your new cairn baby girl! :wub: Show pics!

<img src=&quot;http://img.photobucket.com/albums/1003/maiwag/terriersiggy.jpg" border="0" class="linked-sig-image" />

Beth, mom to Ninja (5), Hannah (7), Abbey (7 1/2), Kiara (10)

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I am all in for Maddie! The two sound great together! I think though that if you choose a ch starting name that you'll have both of their attention till you finish calling for the one you want, specially if you choose chareena (which sounds very original). Post a pic soon! - Darsey

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I let my husband name our last collie. He ended up with the name Haggis. Everytime that I have let my husband name a pet it was always a name that was hard to say and that I didn't particularly like so now it's not open for discussion.

:cry: Poor Haggis. No love for the haggis?

Anyway, welcome to the new addition! From


Haggis :P

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Guest cairnmother

Bradl, I loved my dog Haggis. He passed away a little over a year ago. Collies and Cairns have always been my favorite breeds. Always try to come up with something Scottish in their names. You run out of options fairly fast. With the cairns Bonnie Wee gets on the papers some way or another. Angus and Hamish are 2 names we haven't used yet. My husband doesn't like the name Angus because of you omit the g in a typing error he doesn't like what you are left with. Funny man. That is how we ended up with Haggis.

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:huh: Shoot. I'm confused again. We decided on Chloe and now I am calling her Chelsea without even thinking about it. Sigh. Poor thing will never have a name. We'll use all five and she'll end up like Sybil. :shy:

I've never had this much difficulty naming a dog. Charlie was just Charlie. My daughter just exclaimed, "Chelsea!" so I guess that's probably it....

"Charlie and Chelsea sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.........."

We like Maddie, too, but my father's dog is named Maddie. One would think this would be SO much easier than naming a baby but IT ISN'T (she wails).

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Liddy would like to know where Charlie and his new bride are registered so she can buy them a gift. :D

I know what you mean about the naming, though. I wanted to name our Cairn Stella so I could stand in the backyard and yell "STELLA!!" like in A Streetcar Named Desire...needless to say, my mom vetoed that. Liddy is actually named after the place we got her, Lititz, PA.

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I too voted for Chareena. I think it is wonderful to get your children involved with naming the new addition.

Welcome to you and Chloe Chareena.

Please post pics soon! We're all excited to see her.

There's nothin' in this world better than puppy breath!!!
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I wanted to name our Cairn Stella so I could stand in the backyard and yell "STELLA!!" like in A Streetcar Named Desire...needless to say, my mom vetoed that.

:ermm: Erm, that would be a StreetCairn Named Desire but digress. Oh dear, I DO stand on the deck yelling "S-t-e-l-l-a!. Ok, anybody hating on the rest of our names? Echo? Barley? Harrumph. :mad: (j/k)

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:oops: Sorry, Brad, I didn't realize anybody had a Stella. I do think it is a great name and I'm sure it is attached to a great dog.
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Brad, you are so up my alley!!! I swear you don't post even once without my either laughing out loud or becoming contemplative... :thumbsup: Kudos for you! And STELLA and HAGGIS!!!! LOL

I believe her name has become Chelsea, whether we like it or not. They are SO SWEET together, we cannot stop laughing at them. I never, ever thought any dog could replace a German Shepard in my heart, but..... weelll..... I adore these little dogs. :wub:

Two is most definitely better than one. It's funny in our case... Charlie is older and the Alpha (he thinks) but it is so obvious that Chelsea is All It and she knows it. It's funny, too, because in the yard I will tether them both on one stake (under close supervision) and her lead is longer... she will play with him, then sort of scamper j_u_s_t o_u_t o_f h_i_s r_e_a_c_h and it drives him absolutely wild.... but he's smiling all the time (I think, anyway) so you can tell he likes it.....

I SO hear wedding bells!!! :D

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Guest mrskti

Two is definatley better than one! They are so fun to watch. I took Dori and Ellie outside and layed on the ground....oh man did they like that! I swear they wouldnt' have run off if they hadn't been on their leads, they stayed right next to me playing. Of course if I'd unhooked them, they probably would have been 1/2 mile away!!!

First stage done on their play yard today, boy i can't wait for that to be done.

Tribo64, did you get your pen setup yet??? You wont be sorry!! BTW, i lost your email addy...grrrr! See there, i have dogs for a couple of weeks and i'm already growling!! :)


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:P No pen yet, MrsKTI... still trying to convince hubby that we need one!

Play yard? You're kidding, right? For heaven's sakes, I am SO JEALOUS! What kind of play yard??? We need pictures of that, too!

Will post pictures soon.

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